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Inclusive business replicator, Uganda

Adopting successful business ideas in sub-Saharan Africa.

Inclusive business replicator
© Inclusive business replicator

Project name: Inclusive business replicator

Project location: sub-Saharan Africa

Website: www.findingxy.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Finding-XY-1424618404278606/?ref=bookmarks

Project description:

This is a business model enabling the replication of successful eco-inclusive business models in an effective way to increase positive environmental and social impacts globally. Replication of locally tested solutions is an effective and efficient way to extend the reach of eco-inclusive business beyond their targeted communities by leveraging successful ideas, methods and processes. The process involves identifying successful eco-inclusive businesses (originators) and sharing essential elements of their models with future or active entrepreneurs for purposes of replication. The replicator model meets local market conditions by overcoming challenges of local consumer needs, lack of resources or local business context mismatch as compared to simply transferring technological solutions and businesses. Replication is a means of developing and implementing sustainable solutions of production and consumption. Eco-inclusive enterprises have had extensive impact on improving lives of people at the bottom of the pyramid and tackling environmental challenges.

1) Identification of successful inclusive businesses whose models can be replicated. These are called originators and are in different parts of the world.
2) Detailing of the originator’s sector and essential elements of their business model in a workbook that will be used in training workshops with adopters. The workbook also includes tools of adoption.
3) Convene future or active entrepreneurs in replicator workshop where they are enabled to replicate the originators business model using the workbook. These are technically called adopters who develop a work plan following the workshop. The work plan is shared with originators to enable a matching process with the adopters.
4) Adopters develop a working relationship or partnership model with the originator to develop the adopted business model in the local context.
5) Adopters are supported with capacity and financial requirements to implement the replicated business model in the local context.
6) Follow up of adopter ensuring growth and replication to enable scaling of their impact in different geographies.

Goal and purpose of the project:

The mere transfer of technologies from the global north to the global south has proved inappropriate to social, environmental and economic challenges in sub-Saharan Africa. What starts as good intentions often fell short of expectation as technology alone does not provide for a sustainable and robust business case. Too many assumptions in terms of adaptability to culture and geographical fit had to be abandoned. Technology tailored for the northern needs and necessities cannot simply be applied in the southern context. Therefore, focus by the development community had to be shifted to south south technology transfer. This is an important step on the path towards successful transfer. What is missing is the simultaneous transfer of both technology and business model.

Our goal is the simultaneous transfer of south south technologies and business models in different geographies to scale social environmental and economic impact. Rather than promoting few bigger enterprises in order to increase impact, replication strives to enhance the creation of smaller eco-inclusive businesses by imitating existing business models.

Motivation of the applicant / applicant team:

Small businesses and entrepreneurs often lack insight, resources, expertise and time needed to elaborate and implement an eco-inclusive business model of their own. We want to create an environment that enables learning from successful business and supports implementation of business ideas.

Use of prize money:

Facilitation of more replicator workshops.
Support to adopters (entrepreneurs imitating business model) to implement and develop their replicated business.
Motivate more originators (successful inclusive business) to sign up to replicate their business models to scale the impact of their models.
Drive for more partnership to support replicator eco-system i.e universities, corporate organizations and others.