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Festival of Democracy in Berlin to celebrate 75 years of the Basic Law

The Basic Law has been in force for 75 years - and has applied to the whole of Germany since 1990. This will be celebrated in grand style. 

Skydiver during the celebrations to mark 75 years of the Basic Law in Berlin.
Skydiver during the celebrations to mark 27 years of the Basic Law in Berlin. © pictureAlliance/dpa

Berlin (dpa) - Germany is staging a three-day Festival of Democracy in Berlin’s government district to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the country’s Basic Law. A street festival open to everyone will take place around the Federal Chancellery. At the start of the festivities, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said: “Our democracy is robust. Whoever attacks our liberal democracy today should know that this time they are dealing with a fighting democracy and fighting democrats.” 

On Friday, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and many federal ministers will speak with citizens in Berlin. The event will close on Sunday with a major concert featuring German stars such as Lena Meyer-Landrut and the band Die Fantastischen Vier. The Basic Law was proclaimed by Konrad Adenauer, president of the Parliamentary Council, on 23 May 1949.