Trade Fairs in Germany
These links offer you useful and amusing information on dates and products, travel, accommodation and entertainment.

Anuga revolves around creature comforts. The world’s leading food industry fair opens its doors in Cologne every two years to give trade visitors an overview of the latest developments in food and beverages.
AUMA – Association of the German Trade Fair Industry
Germany is the world’s leader in international trade shows. And AUMA – the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry – has been representing their best interests since 1907. The Association includes tradeshow organizers, trade associations and all the service providers who deal with booth construction and logistics. The AUMA also supports presentations made by German companies abroad.
Deutsche Messe AG Hannover
Tradeshows made in Hannover: CeBIT, DOMOTEX or HANNOVER MESSE, to name but a few – Deutsche Messe AG (DMAG) organizes a large number of internationally leading tradeshows for different branches of industry. Since Expo 2000, Hannover has been able to boast having the largest exhibition grounds in the world. DMAG also exports its trend shows around the world to further cement its high-ranking position among the tradeshow companies.
Frankfurt Book Fair
Each year in October writers and publishers, agents and film producers meet up in Frankfurt at the Frankfurt Book Fair. But they are not the only ones there. On Saturday and Sunday of one-week event, the world’s most important trading centre for books and media opens its doors to private visitors as well. And each year a different country is invited as guest of honour to present its literature at the city on the River Main.
No matter whether the role is a football star, a military strategist or a pop idol, computer game players act out their dreams in virtual worlds. In Cologne “gamescom” first opened its doors to fans, curious newcomers and games trade specialists in 2009. This year hundreds of national and international exhibitors are presenting their latest developments at the world’s largest trade fair for interactive electronic games and entertainment, and many will be at the fair on the east bank of the Rhine to launch world, European and German premieres.
German Convention Bureau - Meetings Made in Germany
Due to its central location in Europe, Germany is popular internationally as a trade fair location. The website of the German Convention Bureau provides information on convention venues in Germany and offers tips on planning congresses and major conventions.
Hamburg Messe
The exhibition grounds of the Hamburg Messe are the venue of approximately 40 tradeshows, exhibitions and events and attract more than 2 million visitors from all over the world each year. The Messe plays host to such German and international specialized trade fairs and shows open to the general public as INTERNORGA, SMM, WindEnergy and such consumer exhibitions as DU UND DEINE WELT and REISEN HAMBURG.
The world‘s largest event for industrial technology: each year in the spring, the HANNOVER FAIR gives us a first peek at what the technology of tomorrow will look like. On the Exhibition Grounds in Hannover, the capital of Lower Saxony, the show features a wide range of display categories that rank as leading tradeshows in their own right. Companies from all over the world present innovations, trends and know-how focusing on industrial technologies.
IFA – Consumer Electronics Unlimited
The fascination of technology: Whether it’s a tiny multifunctional cell phone or a self-cleaning oven – the IFA – Consumer Electronics Unlimited showcases the world’s newest products each year. The Society for Entertainment and Communications Electronics and Messe Berlin work together to organize this major consumer electronics tradeshow.
ILA Berlin Air Show
The International Aerospace Exhibition (ILA) takes aviation fans and technology enthusiasts to new heights at the grounds of Berlin Brandenburg International Airport. The ILA Berlin Air Show, which is staged every two years, provides information about the latest technological developments in aeronautical equipment and “life in the air” with an impressive programme, including aerobatics aircraft and historical flying machines, modern jets and hi-tech premieres.
International Motor Show (IAA)
Germany, land of automobiles. Carl-Friedrich Benz and Gottlieb Daimler heralded in the motorization of the roads at the end of the 19th century. Now, 125 years later, Germany is home to the world’s most important fair on the subject of automobility. In alternating years, visitors from all continents find out about the latest trends and eagerly seek out the car manufacturers’ spectacular world premieres in Frankfurt or Hanover.
Internationale Handwerksmesse
The driving force behind medium-sized businesses: The Internationale Handwerksmesse (IHM) has been held every year in the spring since 1949. The leading trade fair for the craft trades and medium-sized businesses presents a cross-industry range of products and services to outfit businesses in the skilled trades – decision-makers go to Munich to obtain information on such topics as materials, tools and warehousing technology. In the section for the general public, visitors will find everything that makes life more worth living.
ITB Berlin
Globetrotters and tourism experts hunting for treasure: Each year, the International Tourism Show (ITB) in Berlin awakens desires to travel to far-away places and experience new adventures. The leading tradeshow for the international travel industry features holiday destinations and tour operators from all around the world. Tourism industry experts talk about the travel trends of tomorrow at the accompanying conference.
Cologne Trade Fair
Ever since receiving its town charter in 50 A. D., Cologne has been a crucial junction for trade and transportation. In 1360 Kaiser Karl IV granted Cologne the privilege of holding a fair two times a year. The first step toward becoming an international trade fair location was taken in 1973. Today nearly 90 % of the world‘s exportable production is represented at Cologne‘s trade fairs. The major leading fairs include Anuga, photokina, INTERNATIONALE MÖBELMESSE, Herren-Mode-Woche and ORGATEC.
Messe Stuttgart
Whether you’re talking about high-tech, machines or cars – Germany’s southwest is among the strongest industrial regions in Europe. And Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH is a tradeshow company that is at the hub of product innovations and industry trends. Everything within easy reach for the visitors: The Exhibition Grounds and the adjoining Congress Center are located close to the airport, the autobahn and the railway.
Leipzig Book Fair
Reading frenzy in Leipzig: Four days and nights are reserved for the annual Book Fair in this busy city in Saxony. The most important meeting of the book industry in the spring also attracts visitors with the huge “Leipzig liest” (Leipzig reads) reading festival, which is staged on the Exhibition Grounds and throughout the city. Literary experts and bookworms can keep their eyes peeled for authors and new publications.
Leipzig Trade Fair
With more than 800 years of history, the Leipzig Trade Fair is one of the oldest in the world. Today it devotes particular attention to the markets of Central and Eastern Europe. Authors and readers meet here for Germany‘s second-largest book fair, the literature festival “Leipzig Reads“, and in the project “Art at the Trade Fair“ the exhibition grounds become a space for art works.
Every two years, as part of the Luminale in the Rhine-Main region, tower blocks, churches and squares are immersed in a sea of light and colour. At the same time the Light+Building trade fair takes place in Frankfurt, where companies present their innovations in lighting and building technologies.
Messe Berlin
1822 was the year that Berlin‘s first trade show took place. Today, professionals from the industries of tourism, electronics and agriculture meet regularly in Germany‘s capital city. Under the city‘s impressive radio tower, Messe Berlin GmbH also operates one of the largest conference centers in Europe, the ICC Berlin.
Messe Düsseldorf
A “Basis for Business” is the motto at this exhibition and trade show venue on the Lower Rhine. Messe Düsseldorf is able to boast excellent travel connections. More than 50 events from the fields of machinery and equipment, medicine and health, trade and services, and fashion as well as recreation and art are staged here each year. And over 23 of them are leading international trade shows in their fields.
Messe Frankfurt
Record sales make Messe Frankfurt GmbH the world’s largest tradeshow company, while its exhibition space makes it the third largest. Frankfurt am Main has already been known as a tradeshow center for more than 800 years. Today, the company includes subsidiaries, branch offices and sales partners around the globe.
Munich International Trade Fair
The Munich International Trade Fairs (Messe München International, MMI) focuses primarily on new technologies and capital and consumer goods in its exhibition program. Visitors flock to more than 40 specialist trade fairs each year on the ecologically designed fairgrounds. International network: The MMI also organizes trade fairs and exhibitions in Asia, the Middle East and South America.
NürnbergMesse GmbH, one of today’s fastest-growing exhibition companies in Europe, is located in the heart of Franconia (southwestern Germany) and presents innovations from the toy industry, the beverage industry and organic farming, to name just a few. The exhibition grounds were first opened in 1974 and are able to boast more than 170,000 m² of display space today. The seventh largest German exhibition company also operates the CCN CongressCenter Nürnberg for congresses and conferences.
On three days in September, Popkomm provides more music than you can imagine in Berlin: the largest international meeting place for the music and entertainment industry focuses on business and rhythm. The tradeshow under the Radio Tower in Berlin is an absolute must for professionals in the music industry who want to help shape the music market of tomorrow. The Popkomm Festival attracts night owls into many different clubs around the city.
International Toy Fair Nuremberg
Cuddly teddy bears, cute doll carriages, colorful wooden blocks – a day out at the International Toy Fair in Nuremberg is something that every child dreams of. But: Kids aren’t allowed into the world’s leading tradeshow for the toy industry. Every year in February, retailers and purchasers meet here to view the latest trends.
Music, sport, lifestyle and education are the main themes of You, Europe’s largest youth fair. Once a year, kids and teens stream to the event in Berlin where they are awaited by live music performances, the latest sports trends and advice about entering the world of work. Additionally, the fair provides concrete insights into politics.