Unions in Germany
Here you‘ll find Germany‘s most relevant web pages on the job market, labor law, unemployment, further professional training, setting up business and much more.

German Association of Public Officials and Tariff Union
“Closeness is our strength,“ the German Association of Public Officials (beamtenbund und tarifunion, dbb) boasts. As the umbrella organization of the public service unions and the private service sector, it has more than 1.27 million members. For the employees and workers, the “dbb tarifunion“ represents interests related to tariff policy, in particular.
German Confederation of Trade Unions
The German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB) represents millions of blue and white-collar workers and civil servants in Germany. This umbrella organization unites eight individual trade unions, including ver.di (United Services Union) and IG Metall (Industrial Union of Metalworkers), two of the largest trade unions in Germany. The DGB coordinates the activities of its members and conducts negotiations with political decision makers, parties and associations.
IG Metall - the Metalworkers‘ Trade Union
More income, shorter work hours, better qualifications: these are the goals that the (IG) Metall Metalworkers Trade Union fights for. In the metalworking, textile and plastics industries, Germany’s largest single trade union works for a more employee-friendly working environment. The trade union also tries to save existing jobs and to create new ones.
ver.di – Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft (United Service Union)
It is one of the largest unions in the world – the United Service Union (Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft ver.di) has more than two million members. The employees’ lobby was created in 2001 by fusing five separate unions in the areas of financial services, civil service, logistics, trade and the media.