Environmental education in Germany
Children, teachers and parents will find portals here dedicated to environmental education. Learn more about initiatives and find valuable information on special events, competitions or games.

Working Committee for Nature and Environmental Education
ANU, the Working Committee for Nature and Environmental Education, links environmental centers in Germany and individual persons who are involved in the environmental sector. As a federal association, the ANU has been lobbying for better education about nature and the environment since 1990. It promotes extracurricular education in this field at conferences, in continuing education and in projects.
Association for the Environment and Nature Conservation
For clean rivers and sustainable traffic policies - against nuclear energy and factory farming: the German Association for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND) has been devoted to environmental politics since 1975. Almost 500,000 members and supporters work to serve mother nature on local, regional and international levels.
NABU - German Nature Conservation Association
The German Nature Conservation Association (NABU) has been getting people excited about experiencing and appreciating nature for more than one hundred years. From actual conservation projects to political action and right on up to education on the environment - approximately 520,000 NABU members are committed to protecting the plant and animal world. The lobbyist for nature names the “Bird of the Year“ each year and oversees research projects in two institutes.
Nature Detectives
The Nature Detectives help children to explore the richness of their flora and fauna in a virtual world. The environment education platform operated by the German Office for the Protection of Nature sensitizes them to the biological diversity directly on their doorsteps. So join in the fun and games: as environmental reporters, you can put your pictures, texts or sound recordings online and read about what other animals and plants the other active members have been observing.
National Working Committee of the State-Run Educational Institutes for the Protection of Nature and the Environment
The website introduces the network, which is made up of academies and environmental centers, its organization, concerns and guidelines. Use the interactive map of Germany to find information on activities and courses all about nature anywhere in Germany. Parents, teachers and anyone else interested will also find a program of events and contact addresses here.