Scientists and students get an overview of international projects in education and research.

acatech – German Academy of Science and Engineering
acatech, the German Academy of Science and Engineering, focuses on issues dealing with the future in the disciplines of engineering and science. The network, to which excellent researchers belong, offers the business and academic worlds a forum for the exchange of ideas and information, promotes young talent and provides valuable information to policy makers. As a national science academy, acatech is financed by the German national and state governments and also accepts donations from companies and project-related third-party sources.
ArcGuide – the Internet Guide for Architects
The central tool on this communication and information platform for architects and students of architecture is a subject-related search engine that searches the entire Web.
TU9 German Institutes of Technology
For anyone who wants to follow along in the footsteps of such creative geniuses as Nicolaus August Otto, the inventor of the four-stroke engine, or Charles Darwin, the famous naturalist, a technical college is the place to go. TU9 German Institutes of Technology provides information on where and what to study. The umbrella organization unites nine leading German technical universities - from Berlin to Munich and from Aachen to Dresden.
VDI - Association of German Engineers
From agricultural technology to biotechnology: The Association of German Engineers (VDI) represents the whole spectrum of technical disciplines in Germany. It organizes conferences and tradeshows, formulates standards and promotes and supports young talent. Germany's largest technical, scientific association counts more than 150,000 members; its roots go back as far as 1856.