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Attractive alternative to car travel

Germany’s long-distance bus network has greatly expanded.

© picture-alliance/dpa - Long-Distance Bus

BETTER CONNECTIONS. Long-distance bus services are becoming increasingly popular in Germany. The trend has been boosted especially by the liberalization of regular domestic long-distance services in 2013. Previously, the regulations only permitted regular bus services to and from Berlin. Meanwhile, however, both the networks and the number of oper­ators have greatly increased. According to a recent survey, passengers can now choose from 5,100 domestic journeys per week. The main beneficiaries are me­dium-sized towns, for instance in Baden-Württemberg or Bavaria, as well as structurally weak regions, such as rural Lower Saxony. Long-distance buses offer an environmentally friendly alternative to car pools or private cars for people who do not necessarily need the fastest connection between A and B.