World-record bagging by the kings of the niche event

Germans are mad about world records! While classic leisure-time activities such as barbecuing and hiking have always been popular, Germans nowadays want to achieve superlatives. World records are like the new Nordic walking, just with more sweat and risk - though this does rather beg the question of who comes up with these off-beat ideas. Germans set around 100 world records in 2024. They include such gems as “the most drinks cans crushed by elbow while holding a raw chicken egg in the crook of the arm” or the “largest octopus made out of balloons”.
For his record-breaking attempts, Muhamed Kahrimanovic - a martial arts expert, crush test specialist and multiple world record holder - specialises mainly in coconuts. The taekwondo expert then crushes them while holding a raw egg in his striking hand, sometimes on his daughter’s stomach and sometimes even blindfolded. In 2024 he smashed 76 coconuts in 30 seconds - a world record and a good day for all fans of coconut water, very much an en vogue drink amongst athletes!
And there were certainly some sporting records achieved in 2024, too. Sebastian Steudtner surfed a wave that was the biggest ever recorded, at 28.57 metres high. Jonas Deichmann completed the most Ironman events on 120 consecutive days. Christin Ziehr walked non-stop around Lake Constance - a distance of 260 kilometres - in 55:15 hours, the fastest ever time. Lukas Irmler and Friedi Kühne balanced on the world’s highest slackline, suspended between two hot-air balloons at an altitude of 2,500 metres. Tanja Höschele spent a day walking up and down the “Himmelsglück” observation tower. With a total elevation gain of 12,900 metres, she set a new world record for stairs climbed in 12 hours.
And what can we conclude from all this? Be it coconuts, waves or hot-air balloons - Germans will always find a suitable niche in which to set a new world record.
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