Economic Promotion Programs
Do you want to create housing or jobs in Germany, or are you planning to invest money abroad? These portals offer you competent advice and present economic promotion programs for every need.

AHK | German Chambers of Commerce
Accessing world markets: the German Chambers of Commerce (AHKs) offer an international service network with 125 locations in 85 countries to promote German business abroad. German companies who want to establish activities abroad can approach the AHKs for advice, support, contacts and expert information about foreign markets.
Bank for Reconstruction
Do you want to build or modernize a house? Then the Bank for Reconstruction, (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, KfW) is the right place for you. If you‘re an entrepreneur, you can apply for credit for your capital projects. As a venture capitalist or investment seeker, you can find out about the promotional measures that are right for you. Fill out a loan application online or ask for the interactive promotion advisor!