Don’t post, talk!
We need to get off the Internet and sit down and think and dream up news ideas together, says blogger Kübra Gümüşay.

Germany. Hamburg-based journalist and blogger Kübra Gümüşay calls herself a “digital native”. She is a member of a generation that grew up on the Internet and communicates intensively in all the social media. And she nevertheless advocates not conducting debates on major social issues online.
We have to get off the Internet if we are to develop a different language of common thought.
In a video interview for the “Cultures of We” online magazine published by Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa) she explains her scepticism toward the culture of debate on Facebook and Twitter. In a positive sense, people who feel ostracized by society find a community in the Internet. But just the opposite can also happen: “People can radicalize, and things can go so far that you are only surrounded by people who share your opinion, so that you sever your links with society as a whole.” The young blogger discerns a lack of moral courage in the social networks and sees a danger of self-censorship.
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Open consent formAbout Kübra Gümüşay
Kübra Gümüşay, born in 1988, studied Political Science in Hamburg and London and freelances as a writer, among others for newspapers “Die Zeit” and “taz”. She is co-founder of the “Zahnräder” association for social entrepreneurism, the anti-racist #SchauHin campaign and the #Ausnahmslos feminist alliance. In response to growing right-wing populism in 2016 at the re:publica she called on people “to organize love”.
Interview with Kübra Gümüşay: “Show moral courage on the Internet”
“Cultures of We” magazine
The online magazine “Cultures of We” is a project by Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Germany’s oldest intermediary organization in the domain of foreign cultural relations. The magazine addresses current issues of community, diversity and peace. Answers are provided by German and international authors, journalists, artists and scholars – in the form of fascinating articles.
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