Job training and continuing education
Choosing the right profession can be a real challenge. This site will provide you with an overview of training opportunities and an outline of professions or trades as careers.

Alumniportal Germany
Have you studied, done research or had further training in Germany? Then congratulations, because you are one of Germany’s alumni! And now, the Alumniportal Germany offers you an extensive network to help you keep in touch with the country and people from the Elbe to the Alps.
Anyone who acquires special skills in addition to regular training in companies and vocational institutes or universities increases his or her chances of getting a job. AusbildungPlus, a project run by the German Institute for Vocational Training, provides information to young people on the current trends and offers. The project is sponsored by the German Ministry for Education and Research.
The Federal Institute for Vocational Training
How do skilled workers, journeymen and master craftsmen in businesses get their initial and continuing vocational training? What can be improved in cooperation with employers and unions? Here you can learn about the research and service work done by the Federal Institute for Vocational Training (Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, BIBB). It develops materials and concepts for qualifying instructors, sponsors training centers, surveys correspondence courses and is in charge of international programs for the further development of educational training. Statistics round out the picture.
Education for Europe
“Erasmus” and “Leonardo da Vinci” are the names of two European educational programs that are just as well-known as their namesakes. The main body responsible for these programs is the European Commission; in Germany the overall coordination is the responsibility of the National Agency for the Education of Europe at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education (BiBB – Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung).
Boys’ Day
Being a junior school teacher, kindergarten carer or florist isn’t for boys? That’s just a cliché! Schoolboys can discover the great variety and exciting possibilities beyond the traditional realm of “the male professions”. On Boys’ Day retirement homes, workshops and hospitals are offering taster courses for inquisitive young men to discover more.
National Employment Agency
The first place to go with questions about your job and career is the National Employment Agency (BA - Bundesagentur für Arbeit) in Nuremberg with its regional employment agencies around the country. Germany’s largest government office is mainly responsible for monitoring the labor market, bringing employers and employees together and creating jobs.
Girls’ Day
Are women cut out to be carpenters, mechanical engineers or software developers? They certainly are! Since 2001 schoolgirls have been able to discover more about the diversity and excitement of technical professions. That’s when thousands of companies and organizations in Germany open their doors to their laboratories, workshops and offices – on Girls’ Day.
International Youth Community Services
Workcamp, Midterm Voluntary Services or Volunteer Year: the association International Youth Community Services (Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste e.V., ijgd) aims to sensitize young adults to social conditions, point the way toward making independent decisions in a democratic society and contributing to understanding between the nations. That is why the ijgd organizes stays in Germany and 27 other countries for people 15 years and older. On each of these young people from different countries work on non-profit projects.
iMOVE is an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with the objective to promote international collaboration and to initiate cooperation and business relationships in vocational training and continuing education. iMOVE seeks to inform interested parties around the world about German competence in the field of vocational training and continuing education, along with "made in Germany" qualifying opportunities. iMOVE has its offices at the Federal Institute for Vocational Training (BIBB) in the Federal City of Bonn.
Information System, Choice of Study and Labor Market
In Germany, students studying German are required to finish their studies within 9 semesters – but in actual fact, they study for an average of 13 semesters. What are the chances of getting a job once you have your degree? In ISA, the Information System, Choice of Study and Labor Market (Informationssystem Studienwahl und Arbeitsmarkt), data from university statistics and job market research is collected and presented in an easy-to-use format.
State Central Agency for Correspondence Learning
Correspondence courses have proven their value as a successful, practical form of further education. Independent of time and place, the participants in correspondence courses have the opportunity to acquire additional qualifications. The State Central Agency for Correspondence Learning (ZFU – Zentralstelle für Fernunterricht) has all the information that participants and organizers need.
Choosing a Course of Study and Profession
No idea what to do after finishing high school? Do you want to go on to college or find an apprenticeship? Just what options do you have for getting job training? This online service offers school graduates lots of information and tips to set them on the right course for their careers. The portal is operated by the German states and the German Employment Agency.