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Learning German with YouTube

Are you finding German difficult to learn? These five YouTube channels can help you.

Learning German with YouTube
© Shutterstock - David M G

Germany. German is often seen as a difficult language. But is that really the case? After all German is number ten amongst the most widely spoken languages in the world. A total of 185 million people speak German around the globe. If you want to learn the language you will find a lot of support on the Internet. We have compiled five of the most popular YouTube channels for learning German:

Get Germanized

The YouTube channel Get Germanized has 235,889 fans. This is the most popular channel for learning German. Beginners start with a lesson on the German alphabet. Advanced learners can find out about German dialects and German culture. YouTuber Dominik speaks entirely in English and answers users’ questions in his video.

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Learn German with Ania

There are 140,245 subscribers to Learn German with Ania on YouTube. Anja speaks German and translates everything directly into English. The German words are shown on the screen to let learners see how they are written. Anja shows her followers a lot of things from her personal life including a tour of her house.

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Easy German

The Easy German channel gives 113,490 subscribers the chance to learn German words, their pronunciation and grammar. YouTuber Cari speaks only in German and shows the English translations on screen. She takes her followers along with her in German everyday life, for instance to the supermarket.

Deutschlernen mit der DW

Germany’s public international broadcaster Deutsche Welle offers its own YouTube videos for anyone interested in learning German. 100,975 subscribers follow this channel which is based on the internationally recognized language standards from A1 to C1. You will find more learning material to practice at


The Goethe Institut has compiled a playlist with videos to learn German. In a series learners can watch as the protagonist Nevin masters her first weeks in Germany. These videos are especially good for anyone preparing to live in Germany.


Everything you need to know about learning German online or studying for a degree in Germany online:
