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The largest 
bi-regional forum

The Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) brings together fifty-three states and two organisations.

© Asia-Europe Foundation - Europa Asien

Europe maintains close relations with Asia at many different levels. The Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) is the most wide-ranging forum for interregional exchange between Europe and Asia. ASEM is not an organisation, but an ongoing informal dialogue that was established in the mid-1990s. The highlights of this process are the summit meetings of heads 
of state and government of the member countries that take place every two years. ASEM meanwhile consists of 
53 countries in both regions as well as the European Commission and the Secretariat of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). In addition to the summits, meetings and discussions are held on various subjects. A core area is the economy, which is why the finance ministers regularly meet. The two regions also work together closely in the fields of culture and social affairs, where they are supported by the Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF). The ASEF is the only permanently established institution within the ASEM framework. The foundation was set up in 1997 with the goal of promoting exchange and cooperation between civil societies in Asia and Europe as well as between the civil societies and the governments of the ASEM member states. ▪