German foreign trade
These portals inform you about the diverse possibilities for cooperation, as well as statistics and facts about German foreign trade.

AHK | German Chambers of Commerce
Accessing world markets: the German Chambers of Commerce (AHKs) offer an international service network with 125 locations in 85 countries to promote German business abroad. German companies who want to establish activities abroad can approach the AHKs for advice, support, contacts and expert information about foreign markets.
German Foreign Office
Germany all over the world: The Foreign Office, located on the Werdescher Markt in Berlin, and its network of 229 German diplomatic missions around the globe shape German foreign policy. This includes the analysis of world politics and crisis management on an international scale along with the coordination of German policies within the European Union, the protection of human rights and the promotion of cultural exchange.
The Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce
German entrepreneurs within the country – except for craftsmen’s workshops, the liberal professions and agricultural holdings – are by law members of Germany’s more than 80 Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHKs). The umbrella organization is the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) with more than 3.6 million entrepreneurs. Abroad, there are German Chambers of Commerce (AHKs) offices in more than 80 countries around the globe from Argentina to Vietnam.
iXPOS - Foreign Trade Portal
The guide to successful foreign trade: At iXPOS, entrepreneurs will find a wide range of information on the support available for German foreign trade on a single portal. This Internet project was initiated by the Federal Ministry for Industry and Technology and is supervised by the Foreign Trade Service Association at the German Office for Foreign Trade (bfai).