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“Germany wants to be second”

European satirical programmes are responding to President Trump’s “America first” policy – in Germany with presenter Jan Böhmermann.


Building a wall is a great idea. Whether it is between the USA and Mexico, or between two German states. Aimed at President Trump, the introductory video “Germany wants to be second”, with which German satirists respond to “America first”, leaves no doubt: The Germans love walls. The only reason they were all crying in 1989 was because David Hasselhoff brought the lovely Berlin Wall down with his voice.

You do not have to like the in places somewhat crude humour of “Germany wants to be second”. But one thing is for certain: Europe’s satirists are sending out a clear response to President Trump’s politics. Things kicked off when Dutch satirists set the ball rolling with the video “The Netherlands wants to be second” and had a hit with it on YouTube, seven other European countries followed suit with films. And there will be more to follow, all available on the website In Germany, presenter and satirist Jan Böhmermann showed the “Germany wants to be second” clip, which portrays Germany as the “best country in Europe” and in brutally tongue-in-cheek fashion vies for the honour of being the second best country in the world after the USA, on his programme “Neo Magazin Royale“

In the programme Böhmermann mentioned the project’s joint Twitter account, as well as the editorial desks behind the videos that have already been produced. And there is no end to “Every second counts” in sight. The project’s website is even hinting that the Vatican may get involved. Ah well, satire is satire.
