Interesting new skilled occupations
Dispensing machine specialist, biological model maker and shoe manufacturer are occupations for which young people can train in Germany.

Germany. Sales assistant, hairdresser, cook and electrician are among the most common occupations in which young people choose to complete a recognised vocational training programme. But what does a dispensing machine specialist do? That is also a recognised occupation in Germany. The German dual system of vocational training is a successful model that is increasingly being copied around the world. Its special feature is the combination of theoretical learning at a vocational school and practical learning in the training enterprise.
The range of recognised training occupations in Germany is huge. In 2016 alone, there were 328 different occupations for which young people could train – and every year new occupations are added or traditional apprenticeships modernised, as this small selection shows:
Dispensing machine specialist
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Open consent formDispensing and vending machines are now found on every corner. During their three-year training programme dispensing machine specialists learn how drinks, cash and ticket machines work and how you install and connect them. The training programme also covers accepting orders, invoicing and cashing up, determining customers’ needs and developing marketing programmes. Trained dispensing machine specialists find work in transport and car parking companies, in the restaurant trade and in banks and leisure facilities.
Biological model maker
They build models of bones and organs on different scales and make complete human and animal skeletons. The three-year training programme for biological model makers covers the manufacture, repair and maintenance of biological models. Qualified biological model makers can work in many sectors, including toy producers, manufacturers of shop-window dummies and companies in the plastics industry.
Aviation services specialist
Many air passengers would despair without them. Aviation services specialists are important contacts for tourists and business travellers alike. As multitalented experts they provide information, book flights, check passengers in and perform security duties. During their three-year training programme, the trainees spend time in different areas: service, passenger handling, ticket sales, baggage tracing and aircraft handling. New training regulations come into effect for this occupation on 1 August 2017.
Shoe manufacturer
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Open consent formThe comfort of our feet is in their hands. Whether sport shoes, high heels, skiing boots or safety footwear, they are all produced by shoe manufacturers. What differentiates shoe manufacturers from skilled shoemakers is the fact that they produce shoes on an industrial scale with the appropriate machines. Although the shoe industry in Germany is a small consumer goods sector with 14,000 employees, the number of trainees has remained constant for many years. The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training recently brought the training programme up-to-date, taking into account the use of new materials and production processes.