News portals from Germany
This category keeps you up-to-date on current events and special topics.
The BILD newspaper published by the Axel-Springer Publishing Company is Germany’s largest and most popular tabloid. The online version of this paper also gets a lot of hits each day. If you like a mixture of news, gossip, and sensationalism, be sure to bookmark
“Independent, liberal and often at odds with the rest of the world” is how the former publisher, Countess Dönhoff, once described the weekly newspaper, DIE ZEIT, which has enriched the German newspaper scene each Thursday since 1946.
Deutsche Welle
Media calling card: On May 3, 1953, the “Deutsche Welle” (DW) went out over the airwaves for the very first time. Today, the international broadcaster provides information all over the world in up to 30 languages – whether Chinese or Bengali. Via television, radio and Internet, the Deutsche Welle communicates a picture of Germany and promotes exchange between foreign cultures.
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has appeared under the title of “Zeitung für Deutschland” (Newspaper for Germany) since 1949. Conservative political views, a feature section leaning towards the left and a liberal understanding of the business world - that is how one of the paper's earlier editors, Friedrich Karl Fromme, characterized the profile of the quality newspaper. These properties are also reflected in the independent online service, FAZ.NET.
FOCUS Online
Presenting up-to-date facts in a modern and exciting way has always been the goal of the makers of FOCUS, the Munich-based news magazine that has appeared every Monday since 1993.
Frankfurter Rundschau online
“Independent – but not neutral” is how the owner, publisher and editor Karl Gerold once defined the profile of the Frankfurter Rundschau (FR). Members of the editorial board of the left-liberal daily always felt a strong commitment to the principles of the welfare state and civil rights.
What happened today? “heute” (today) – the news program broadcast by Germany’s Channel Two (ZDF – Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen) has been keeping German viewers up to date on what’s happening around the world for more than 50 years. The website is the online news and information service provided by ZDF.
The flagship among the German news magazines, SPIEGEL ONLINE, the Internet counterpart to the SPIEGEL magazine that goes on sale each Monday, has assumed a position of leadership similar to that of the print edition. Its news offers are updated to the minute.
Stern is the political magazine that appears just in time for the weekend and Germany’s most popular magazine in the post-World War II era. Founded in 1948 and published each Thursday, Stern is particularly renowned for its unusual photography, revealing reports, and explosive exposés.
With news, features and information, the national daily Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ – Southern Germany News) stands out with its strong positions and independent style of journalism.
You don’t have to wait until the “tagesschau”, the daily news, comes on at its regular daily broadcast time. The oldest, most popular TV news show on German television has also been available online since 1996. At, the website of the ARD broadcasting network, you get information from radio and TV in a multimedia format.
“die tageszeitung” (taz –the daily newspaper) claims to provide a mixture of “relevant information, intelligent entertainment and irritation”. The national leftist daily newspaper first appearing in Berlin in 1979 is an integral part of the German press landscape today – even though the publisher has come close to bankruptcy more than once. Readers love “die taz” for its sharp-tongued and sometimes acerbic reporting.
The Local
News from Germany in English on politics, science and business as well as weather reports and lifestyle trends can be found on The Local. This portal offers foreign fans of Germany, with a special focus on the younger target group, a wealth of information – from the most popular clubs in Berlin, the country’s capital, right on up to job vacancies for native speakers of English throughout the country.
Welt Online
The conservative newspaper Die Welt keeps its readers informed of what’s going on in Germany and the world by providing analysis and comment seven days a week. As soon as an article for Die Welt, Welt kompakt or Die Welt am Sonntag has been written it appears on the joint Internet portal Welt online.