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Prevention of diseases in Germany

To make sure that you don’t get sick in the first place, there is information on work safety, vaccinations and early diagnosis on these sites.

A good team: cardiologists Berger (left) and Assa
A good team: cardiologists Berger (left) and Assa © Save a child‘s heart

German Association for Prevention and the Promotion of Health

“Promoting Health Together”: the German Medical Association, the umbrella organizations of the medical insurance companies and other professional healthcare associations embrace this motto in their work together in the German Association for Prevention and the Promotion of Health (BVPG). The BVPG links cooperation partners across the nation to improve the structures for medical education, early detection examinations and courses in preventions.

German Office for Health Education

“Gib Aids keine Chance“ (Don’t Give AIDS a Chance), that is the best-known campaign of the German Office for Health Education (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, BZgA). But it is not the only crusade which the BZgA wages to promote a responsible and health-conscious lifestyle. Its website provides an overview.

Pro Familia

The German Society for Family Planning, Sexual Education and Advice (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Familienplanung, Sexualpädagogik und Sexualberatung e.V.) is better known as Pro Familia. On topics such as contraception and family planning, the experts at this non-religious and non-political organization provide advice and help.

Travel Medical Center – Tropics Institute Hamburg

This website, operated by the Travel Medical Center of the Bernhard-Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, has been designed to keep you healthy, no matter where your travels will take you.