Sports organisations in Germany
Who is actually behind that sports badge, the German young people’s games or the Olympics?

German University Sports Federation
The types of sports pursued in the German University Sports Federation (adh) range from traditional track-and-field disciplines to Ultimate Frisbee. As the umbrella organization of university sports associations in Germany, the Federation represents the interests of its members: The adh coordinates sports competitions, develops training programs and promotes student talent in all types of sports.
Federal Institute for Sports Science
Scientific support for sports: athletes reach the finish line hand in hand with the Federal Institute for Sports Science (Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, BISp). The agency promotes research in the areas of medicine, education, psychology, economics, sociology and movement and training studies, and acts as a consultant in the construction of modern sports facilities.
German Lifeguard Association
S. O. S. from a paddle-boat: a case for the lifeguards of the German Lifeguard Association (Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft e.V., DLRG). The real challenges await these professional lifeguards every day on German coasts and German lakes.
German Sports Youth
Sports are also child's play. That's why the German Sports Youth (Deutsche Sportjugend, dsj) gives children and young adults the chance to balance out the difficulties of daily life with sporting success in initiatives like "Basketball at Midnight", "Violence Prevention through Sports" and "Intercultural Work with Sports".
German Olympic Sports Association
The world’s largest sports organization: Some 28 million recreational, amateur and professional athletes train under the umbrella of the German Olympic Sports Organization (DOSB). The DOSB sends the German Olympic teams to the Games, looks after them on location and fights against doping.
German Sports Badge
Honorary badge for above-average fitness: People of all ages in Germany have been training to win the German Sports Badge since 1912. The German Olympic Sports Association (DOSB) presents this award to more than 900,000 people a year. Regardless of whether it’s swimming, cross-country skiing or weight lifting, the athletes must prove their prowess in five different disciplines.
National Anti-Doping Agency Germany
A focus on doping offenders: The National Anti-Doping Agency Germany (NADA) fights against the abuse of medications and drugs in the world of professional sports. The NADA conducts drug tests for Fair Play and provides information on the dangers of taking anabolic steroids, amphetamines or growth hormones. The Bonn-based foundation cooperates with international organizations.
Sports Minister Conference
How is the demographic shift affecting the type of sports on offer? What can be done against doping politically? The Sports Minister Conference (SMK) focuses on the future of popular and professional sports. Once a year, the sports ministers from all the states in Germany meet to exchange their thoughts and ideas. Every two years, a different state plays host to the event.
The German Sports Aid Foundation
Today's talents are tomorrow's winners. But without optimal support, no athlete can achieve his or her best performance. The German Sports Aid Foundation (Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe) is devoted to helping talented athletes outside the pro sector.