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Invitation to engage in dialogue

The Federal Government has launched a civic dialogue to help improve quality of life in Germany.


Good career prospects, time for the family and a wide range of cultural offerings are just some of the many answers the Fed­eral Government has received to the question of what people in Germany think is important in life. This civic dialogue is intended to help the Federal Government improve quality of life in Germany in a targeted way. “We want to hear what you think,” says Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, who launched the national dialogue in early June 2015 in Berlin. The government strategy for improving quality 
of life began earlier in April.

Citizens and politicians can exchange views both at open discussion forums nationwide and through an Internet platform. The dialogue’s results will then culminate in a national action plan. The 
process is being supported by a group of researchers led by Christoph M. Schmidt, President of the Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (RWI).