Diverse help for refugees
From humanitarian aid on site to receiving refugees: Germany is committed to protecting refugees worldwide.

Millions of people around the world flee violence, war, conflict and persecution, with numbers increasing from one year to the next: according to the United Nations Refugee Agency UNHCR, some 120 million people were displaced as of May 2024 – almost ten per cent more than a year ago. It was the twelfth increase in succession. Germany endeavours to help refugees in a variety of ways.
Mitigating the causes of displacement and humanitarian aid in crisis regions
Crisis prevention and the defusing of conflicts is a key strategy pursued by German foreign policy. This also helps prevent displacement from occurring in the first place. At the same time, Germany provides comprehensive aid in numerous countries to alleviate suffering. Germany is the world’s second largest donor of humanitarian aid. Direct engagement in the crisis regions is also crucial, since the majority of refugees remain in their home regions and seek shelter in neighbouring countries. German development policy supports the host countries in various areas – from the supply of clean water to programmes that enable refugee children to attend school.
International cooperation on displacement and migration
Germany is actively committed to finding solutions to issues relating to refugees and migration at the international level, coordinating closely with its partners in Europe in particular. In May 2024, for example, the EU states adopted an asylum reform governing cooperation within the European Union.
According to the Federal Foreign Office, Germany is also in favour of “actively managing and guiding migration movements”. The aim is to “counteract irregular migratory movements and support safe, orderly and regular migration”. To this end, Germany also concludes targeted migration agreements with the refugees’ countries of origin.
Protection for refugees in Germany
The Federal Government considers it a humanitarian obligation under international law to provide rapid assistance for those in need. Since the beginning of the Russian attack on Ukraine in February 2022 in violation of international law, more than one million refugees from Ukraine, mainly women and children, have found protection in Germany – thanks to the solidarity and support of society as a whole. People also come to Germany from other crisis regions such as Afghanistan and Syria. According to the Federal Statistical Office, more than 2.5 million people had recognised protection status in Germany as of the end of 2023. More than three quarters of them came from Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.