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Religious Persuasions in Germany

The central website of the country’s major faiths.

Jüdische Kinder mit Kippa
© dpa

Protestant Church in Germany

More than 23 million citizens in Germany belong to an Evangelical congregation and close to one in three is Protestant. 20 established regional churches – Lutheran, Reformed and United denominations – for the community under the roof of the Protestant Church in Germany (EKD). The EKD church office is located in Hannover.

Catholic Church in Germany

Go to the German Catholic Church’s website to find out why Sunday is the “day of rest” and what role the Pope in Rome plays for the 25 million Catholics in this country. The largest German denomination provides its members with the latest news on parishes, bishoprics and the Vatican directly online. Statements on social topics and the philosophy of life can be found here, along with news on ecumenical principles and practices and inter-religious dialog.

Orthodox Churches in Germany

In Germany some 1.3 million people belong to the Orthodox faith. Alongside Catholics and Protestants they form the third largest Christian communion in the country. The collective term “Orthodox Churches” embraces a large number of different, mainly eastern European Christian churches, whose traditional rituals are traced back to Byzantine times.

Central Council of Jews in Germany

Traditions, customs, conventions and commandments are the cornerstones of Jewish life. The Central Council of Jews in Germany supports Jewish congregations in practicing their religion and observing their culture and represents their common political interests. The umbrella association was founded in Frankfurt a. M. in 1950; the main offices have been located in the Leo-Baeck-Haus building in Berlin since 1999.

Central Council of the Muslims in Germany

Against exclusion and marginalization: since 1994 the Central Council of the Muslims in Germany (Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland, ZMD) has been working toward a harmonious coexistence. The Council cultivates cultural and interreligious dialogue for the benefit of the Islamic community and the whole society.