A Deutschland directory
Are you interested in Germany, its language, culture or economy, and would you like to find out more? Click here to find out where the pros are waiting to answer your questions.
Entry and visa
You can find everything you need to know about the current entry requirements and visa stipulations in Germany on the website of the German Federal Foreign Office. There, you can also find information about the objectives and specific areas covered by German foreign policy.
Entry requirements and visas
Language and culture
The best way to get to know Germany is with an understanding of the language. We tell you which organizations specialize in teaching German language and culture.
The Goethe-Institut promotes knowledge of the German language abroad and fosters international cultural cooperation. It presents a full picture of Germany in its 157 institutes in 98 countries – and, of course, on the internet too.
Language courses at the Goethe-Institut
Deutsche Welle provides up-to-date news from Germany and the rest of the world in 30 languages. DW also helps those studying the German language, however, be it with vocabulary trainers or video lessons.
Learning German with Deutsche Welle
"Deutsch-Uni Online" (DUO) specializes in digital teaching and learning. In virtual courses, you can improve your language skills and prepare specifically for a university degree or a job in Germany. You can test your language level in advance here.
Courses offered by Deutsch-Uni-Online
School and education
Do you wish to attend a German school abroad or to complete your education in Germany? Here you can find out all about the various possibilities.
There are 140 German schools in other countries recognized by the Federal Government; at them students can obtain both German and local high school qualifications.
All German schools abroad at a glance
In addition to them, there are the approximately 2,000 schools in the “Schools: Partners for the Future” (PASCH) network. These schools place special emphasis on German lessons.
World map of PASCH schools
Professional qualifications are the best route to a successful career and a secure job. You can find out how to gain qualifications in Germany through Make It in Germany.
Help with vocational training – Make It in Germany
Higher education and grants
Germany is one of the most attractive destinations for international students. Are you also hoping to study at one of the country’s many first-rate universities? A number of portals have been set up to address the specific questions you might have, and these also provide information on grants.
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) fosters international academic exchange and supports qualified students and researchers from abroad.
Research and study in Germany – the DAAD
Grants from the DAAD and other organizations
Research and innovation
You work in a scientific field or in research and development and you’d like to collaborate with German institutions or carry out research at one of the renowned scientific institutions in Germany? These links will help you.
The Research in Germany initiative offers you a good overview of the German research and funding world and supports you with preparation of a research placement in Germany.
All you need to know about the German research landscape
Funding opportunities for international researchers
Planning your research placement
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation offers top-flight researchers from abroad funding opportunities for scientific collaborations and research placements in Germany.
The Humboldt Foundation program
In many cities around the world the German Centers for Research and Innovation (DWIH) advise researchers in their home countries and connect them with players in the German innovation scene.
DWIH locations
Alumni, businesses or higher education institutions can link up, exchange knowledge or arrange further training via the Alumniportal Deutschland.
Scientific exchange – the Alumniportal
Work and recognition
Do you wish to work in Germany but want to know what your opportunities are in the German labour market? Here, you can find support and discover whether your qualifications are recognized.
The Make It In Germany portal bundles all the information relevant to jobseekers in Germany. In March 2020, the Skilled Immigration Act came into force, which makes it easier for foreigners from non-EU countries with a professional education to enter the German job market.
Job search with Make It in Germany
Click here for help if you are uncertain whether or not your education will be recognized in Germany or which steps you must undertake to get your qualifications recognized this:
What is recognized – advice from Recognition in Germany
Business and investment
Do you need information about the German business world, investment opportunities or about setting up a branch or company in Germany? You’ll find the answers here.
The Germany Trade & Invest agency provides advice for investors, businesses and company founders wanting to settle in Germany, including industry analysis and information about the tax system and legislative framework.
Investing in Germany GTAI
Information about the German economy from Germany Works
German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHKs) can be found in 140 locations worldwide. They offer initial, bilateral, competent and direct contact with the German market.
Locations of German AHKs
Travel and accommodation
Hoping to visit Germany as a tourist to discover and enjoy the country, its towns and cities and its landscapes? In that case, the German National Tourist Board (GNTB) should be your first port of call.
GNTB: Inspiring Germany
Land and people
You have a more general interest in Germany, life in the country and its cultural offerings? You can discover how progressive and imaginative the country is via the Land of Ideas portal.
For an insight into the nation’s cultural diversity, head to the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations, which fosters creative and cultural exchange through exhibitions and with dialogue and conference programs all over the world.
Is there still more you want to know about Germany? www.deutschland.de will tell you.