Three questions for
Margret Wintermantel, President of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), on the value of international education relations.

Professor Wintermantel, why is academic exchange important for Germany?
International experience and academic cooperation do not only broaden personal competencies; they also contribute to the innovative strength of society as a whole – and therefore to peaceful mutual relations.
Transnational education projects are becoming increasingly important. What do others appreciate about Germany as a partner?
These partnerships enable us to engage in dialogue across cultural and political divides. In 2014 we opened the German-Russian Institute of Advanced Technologies in Kazan. Russian students can study there for a qualification that meets German standards, which enjoy a good reputation. Another example is the German-Jordanian University in Amman. The Jordanian side was very interested in the model of the German university of applied sciences (Fachhochschule) because the region lacks training opportunities with a practical orientation and therefore also work-related study programmes. Over 20,000 foreign students are now studying at binational universities abroad and naturally developing close ties with Germany.
What goals is the DAAD pursuing with its new programmes for young people from crisis regions?
We cannot simply stand by while the civil war in Syria leads to the loss of an entire generation that will one day be urgently needed for the task of reconstruction. In 2014, using funds from the Federal Foreign Office, the DAAD set up the Leadership for Syria scholarship programme to enable Syria’s future specialists and managers to study in Germany. This programme has proved to be a successful model of how to open up opportunities for young people in the most difficult situations. We are also promoting the integration of refugees at German universities by providing subject and language preparation as well as support services. ▪
President of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)