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Minister Schulze: we must not resign ourselves to accepting starvation in the world

Current information about Germany’s foreign policy and foreign relations.

Schoolchildren in Haiti are supplied by the UN World Food Programm
Schoolchildren in Haiti are supplied by the UN World Food Programm © dpa/pa

26.07.2024: Minister Schulze: we must not resign ourselves to accepting starvation in the world

Rio de Janeiro (dpa / – According to the United Nations, around 733 million people worldwide faced hunger in 2023. That’s one in eleven people and one in five in Africa, according to the UN World Food Report. The UN warns that the world will fail significantly to achieve the goal of ending hunger in all forms by 2030. Development Minister Schulze said in Rio de Janeiro: “Ending hunger in the world remains a major task that the international community must face up to. In a world where there is in fact enough food for everyone, we must not resign ourselves to accepting starvation. 

The German Development Ministry BMZ invests two billion euros a year in the fight against hunger. Schulze also noted that there had been some positive achievements: “In addition to concerns, the report fortunately contains some encouraging information, too. This includes progress on gender equality: women are still significantly more affected by hunger than men, but the gap has narrowed.” And she emphasised: “Experience from South America and Brazil in particular indicates that the problem of hunger can be solved. Governments and political action can make a difference.”


25.07.2024: Berlin and London aim to intensify military cooperation 

Berlin (dpa) – Germany and the UK have agreed to engage in closer military cooperation. Defence Minister Boris Pistorius and his new British counterpart John Healey signed a joint defence declaration to this effect in Berlin. “We want to put our relations on a new footing,” said Pistorius. The aim is to strengthen the defence industry in both countries and achieve closer cooperation in the development, production and procurement of weapons and ammunition, as well as establishing the same standards for weapons systems and ammunition. “This is one of the lessons we must learn from the war that Russia is waging against Ukraine,” added Pistorius. Healey said the declaration was a key step towards closer defence cooperation between the two countries, while also emphasising the importance of existing collaborative efforts. “We fight together, we train together and we drink beer together.” 


24.07.2024: Defence Minister Pistorius to receive British counterpart Healey 

Berlin (dpa/ – Defence Minister Boris Pistorius is to receive the new British Defence Secretary John Healey in Berlin. In addition to general questions about German-British cooperation in the area of security and defence, cooperation within NATO and engagement on the Alliance’s eastern flank, the main focus will be on providing support for Ukraine against the Russia war of aggression. The two ministers will also seek to discuss closer cooperation in defence matters.


23.07.2023: Baerbock appeals to Israel after UN report

Brussels (dpa) – Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has called on Israel to act in line with a UN legal opinion regarding its occupation policy. “Even though this advisory opinion is not binding, the Israeli government would be well advised to take it seriously,” she said on the sidelines of an EU foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels. Baerbock described the text of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague as “game-changing”. The report also indicated that the international community was responsible for a two-state solution, said Baerbock, adding that this was is the only way to guarantee that Palestinians and Israelis would be able to live together in peace in the future. The ICJ opinion states that Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories is illegal and must be brought to an end as soon as possible.


22.07.2024: Germany and Brazil consolidate collaboration on forest conservation

Berlin ( – During a visit to Brazil, Development Minister Svenja Schulze has pledged Germany’s continued help in conserving the Amazon rainforest. “Germany will continue to actively support Brazil in conserving its forests,” said Schulze at a meeting with Brazilian Environment Minister Marina Silva, which was also attended by Norwegian Development Minister Anne Beathe Tvinnereim. Norway and Germany are among the most important supporters of Brazil’s commitment to forest conservation. Schulze emphasised the global importance of cooperation: “The Amazon rainforest is the world’s air conditioning system: without it, the human race would be much worse off.”

In addition to conserving intact forest, the restoration of destroyed forest is another key issue in Brazil. According to the German Development Ministry, this involves 55 million hectares of deforested and now fallow land – an area the size of France. Germany is contributing 15 million euros to a new Brazilian government reforestation fund (Floresta Viva), which raises private sector funding in addition to funds from international donors.


19.07.2024: Children from destroyed hospital in Kyiv come to Germany

Berlin (dpa) - Following Russia’s missile attack on a building belonging to a children’s hospital in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, eight seriously ill children are to continue their treatment in German hospitals. The children are aged between only a few months and 15 years old and will be accompanied by ten close relatives on their way to Germany, the Federal Ministry of Health and the Federal Ministry of the Interior reported. Most of the children are receiving treatment for cancer. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser said the missile attack on the hospital had once again showed the incomprehensible inhumanity with which Russian President Vladimir Putin was conducting his war against Ukraine. 

According to the German government, almost 1150 military personnel and civilians from Ukraine have been brought to Germany for treatment since March 2022. In one of the heaviest attacks on Kyiv a rocket hit a building on the grounds of the Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital. Two adults, including one doctor, were killed, and over 30 people were injured. In response to the dire situation in the children’s hospital, the German Federal Ministry Economic Cooperation and Development is providing €10m to help rebuild the facility.


18.07.2024: Scholz attends Europe Summit in Oxford

Oxford (dpa) - Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz joined almost 50 other European leaders at the European Political Community summit in the United Kingdom. The informal group consists of the 27 members of the European Union and other countries on the continent which share common values. It last met two years ago, shortly after Russia began its invasion of Ukraine. This meeting is taking place at Blenheim Palace, birthplace of Britain’s Prime Minister during the Second World War Winston Churchill, not far from the university city of Oxford. Russia’s war against Ukraine, migration and energy security were at the top of the agenda for the informal summit. The event is hosted by the President of the European Council Charles Michel and the United Kingdom’s new Labour government under Prime Minister Keir Starmer. 


17.07.2024: New education initiative in the Sahel region

Berlin (dpa) - The German government is teaming up with partners to provide school education for millions of children in Africa’s Sahel region. Development Minister Svenja Schulze, in her role as president of the Sahel Alliance, the largest donor platform for the region, has announced an education initiative aimed at more than two million girls and boys in the Sahel, where more than 40 percent of children are no longer able to go to school due to the threat posed by terrorist groups. 

“Education is one of the most effective ways to counter the recruitment efforts of terrorist groups, because education gives young people prospects,” Schulze said at the end of the two-day meeting of the Sahel Alliance in Berlin. The Sahel states of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger have suffered rampant violence at the hands of Islamist militant groups for years. All three countries have seen military coups. The Sahel Alliance was founded in 2017 by Germany, France and the EU to support Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad. It now has 27 members, including the USA, the World Bank and the African Development Bank. Germany is the fifth-largest donor, having invested 1.8 billion euros in 160 projects.


16.07.2024: Germany invests in hydrogen projects

Berlin (dpa / - The German government is investing 4.6 billion euros in 23 future-oriented hydrogen projects. As the Economics Ministry in Berlin announced, funding is being made available for projects to generate green - that is to say climate-friendly - hydrogen and for its storage and transport. “By funding hydrogen projects, we are taking an important step towards a climate-neutral and sustainable economy in Europe and beyond,” explained Economics Minister Habeck. “Hydrogen pipelines will be the lifelines for industrial centres,” stressed Habeck. 

The funded projects are also focusing on innovative storage solutions for efficient and safe storage and on up to 2,000 kilometres of transport infrastructure. Germany will have to import roughly two thirds of the hydrogen it needs, which is why transport is such an important issue. The German government believes that numerous international partnerships are the way forward. It has strategic energy partnerships with countries in South and West Africa, in South America and with Australia and Canada.


15.07.2024: Baerbock travelling to Senegal and Ivory Coast

Berlin (dpa) – German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock hopes that deeper cooperation with Senegal and Ivory Coast will prevent the instability in the Sahel from spreading to the rest of the region. “If more countries in West Africa descend into instability, that will not only have dramatic consequences for the local population but also a direct impact on our security in Europe,” explained the minister ahead of a two-day visit to the two West African countries. 

The people in Senegal, Ivory Coast and “other countries bordering the Sahel live under the constant threat that terror and violence from neighbouring countries will also seep into their societies,” the minister warned. She said that peaceful and democratic change was opening up new prospects for greater cooperation in all areas, whereas military coups in other parts of the region were blocking such prospects for the foreseeable future, adding that this was why she was looking at the entire spectrum of relations - political, economic and cultural - during her trip.


12.07.2024: “Green” hydrogen supply agreement concluded

Berlin (dpa) – Germany is to import more than 250,000 tonnes of “green” ammonia in the coming years for the production of more climate-friendly hydrogen. According to the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs, a supply agreement to this effect for the years 2027 to 2033 was concluded with the company Fertiglobe in the United Arab Emirates: Fertiglobe will produce ammonia in Egypt using wind and solar energy, and this will be converted into green hydrogen in Germany – “green” because it is produced using renewable energy. The recently concluded supply contract was an important step in terms of Germany’s transformation as an industrial base, said Economics Minister Robert Habeck (photo). “The availability of low-cost green energy – now in the form of hydrogen, too – will continue to be an important location factor for industry in the future.”


11.07.2024: USA and Germany agree on weapons stationing

Washington (dpa) - For the first time since the Cold War, the USA is planning to station weapons systems again in Germany that can reach Russia. From 2026, Tomahawk cruise missiles with a range of significantly more than 2,000 kilometres, SM-6 anti-aircraft missiles and newly developed hypersonic weapons are to ensure better protection of NATO allies in Europe. This agreement was announced by the White House and the German government on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington. The weapons have a “significantly longer range than current land-based fires in Europe,” according to a joint statement. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised that Germany would meet its obligations as Europe’s largest economy. “This gives rise to a very special responsibility,” he said. “And I can state quite clearly here that we will, I will live up to this responsibility.” 

From a base in Wiesbaden, NATO will in future coordinate weapons shipments and training activities for Ukraine. The member states formally agreed on what NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had announced a month ago. 


10.07.2024: NATO summit begins by sending signal to Ukraine 

Washington (dpa) - At the start of the NATO summit in Washington, the USA, Germany and other partners have pledged Ukraine further military support. At a ceremonial act to mark the 75th anniversary of the defence alliance, US President Joe Biden announced that the NATO states were planning to send Kyiv additional equipment to defend against Russian air strikes. They had promised Kyiv not only Patriot systems but also dozens of tactical air defence systems, plus hundreds of additional anti-ballistic missiles. “75 years of NATO means 75 years of security, stability and peace. Germany will play an important role by taking the lead and strengthening the European pillar of our alliance,” declared German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Shortly before the NATO summit, Russia had launched major air strikes against Kyiv. Among other things, a large children’s hospital was hit by a missile. 


09.07.2024: Minister of State Keul visits Pacific islands 

Berlin ( – The Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, Katja Keul, plans to use her ten-day visit to Samoa, the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea to underline the German Federal Government’s commitment to the whole Pacific island state region, with a particular focus on climate protection. Germany’s colonial history in the region will also be an important topic during the visit.

“It is in the Indo-Pacific that many of the great questions facing humanity in the 21st century will be resolved,” Keul said. She described the agenda for her visit as, “helping protect the climate and people’s existences, and also strengthening the rules-based international order, retaining cultural heritage and reappraising Germany’s colonial history in some island states.” The visit includes returning to Samoa a historic prow of a vessel from the collection of the Übersee Museum in Bremen. “This artefact is at last returning to where it belongs,” Kaul stated.


08.07.2024: Defence minister attends military exercise in Alaska ahead of NATO summit

Fairbanks (dpa) – Germany’s Defence Minister Boris Pistorius has visited German soldiers in Alaska before the start of the NATO summit. In Fairbanks, the minister learnt more about how the Arctic Defender 2024 exercise was progressing. Fighter pilots from several countries have joined pilots from the USA in German-led aerial warfare exercises according to NATO standards in Alaska. The exercise is based on the scenario of an attack on the Alliance, giving rise to a need for collective defence (Article 5), whereby an attack on one or more members of the Alliance is jointly repelled. The Luftwaffe, Germany’s Air Force, had begun the large-scale Pacific Skies 24 manoeuvre to deploy aircraft well beyond Europe’s borders in mid-June. The NATO summit, which will include festivities to mark the 75th anniversary of the defence alliance, will begin in Washington on Tuesday.


05.07.2024: German Foreign Minister Baerbock emphasises NATO’s importance for Europe 

Berlin (dpa) – Ahead of the summit to mark NATO’s 75th anniversary next week, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has emphasised the importance of the defence alliance. In a speech she gave in the German Bundestag, she called for a stronger role for Europe in view of the Russian attack on Ukraine and the position of the USA in the alliance: “NATO must become more European in order to remain transatlantic.” She also referred to the “epochal shift” in Germany, saying that it was “no flash in the pan” but a realignment “that will go beyond legislative terms, a permanent investment in our security and in our way of life of freedom, democracy and the rule of law“.

Next week will see a NATO summit in Washington to mark the 75th anniversary of the defence alliance. The leaders of the 32 member countries will discuss issues such as the Ukraine war, the strengthening of NATO’s own deterrent and defence capabilities and burden-sharing within the alliance. Baerbock said in the Bundestag that intensive discussions would take place at the summit on “how we can further expand our support for Ukraine”. She added that one thing should be clear: “Putin’s Russia will continue to pose the greatest threat to our security and freedom in Europe for the foreseeable future.”


04.07.2024: Quality of life in Germany: people are for the most part content

Berlin ( - People in Germany are for the most part content with their lives and their housing situations. This is shown by the “2024 Equivalence Report” published by the German government. Citizens in all districts, towns and cities were surveyed. The report also reveals that the differences between regions in the majority of those economic, social and other indicators investigated have decreased in recent years. Nonetheless, some considerable differences remain between regions in Germany, above all between urban and rural areas. The report sees the expected population decline as posing challenges, especially in structurally weak regions.


03.07.2024: Germany investing in 6G research

Berlin ( – Germany is driving research into 6G, the future mobile internet standard. German Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger has opened the 6G Conference in Berlin, where more than 900 participants from around the world will be discussing the latest developments and research projects in this area. According to the ministry, over 500 million euros have already been invested within the framework of a 6G research initiative since 2021. From 2025, the international standardisation and specification of 6G technologies will begin, with market launch expected to follow in 2030.

At the conference, Research Minister Stark-Watzinger also announced the start of the German-Canadian Eureka co-chair. For one year, Germany and Canada will co-chair the global network of 43 member countries dedicated to the funding of application-oriented research and innovation. 


02.07.2024: Baerbock praises National Security Strategy

Berlin (dpa) – A year after it was adopted, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has praised Germany’s first National Security Strategy. She said however that a paper alone would not make Germany safer. What was needed was trust that “we will take charge of our own security, and that we are also able to do so”. The National Security Strategy adopted by the German government in June 2023 combines for the first time all security-relevant elements - from the equipment of the German Army and the fight against disinformation and cyberattacks to climate change mitigation and disaster protection. Baerbock also advocated further investments in security and support for Ukraine, explaining that this would help not only Ukraine but “our own national security”, as well as the defence of peace and freedom. 


01.07.2024: Renewables cover 58 percent of Germany’s electricity consumption

Berlin/Stuttgart (dpa) - New half-year record for renewable electricity generation: in the first half of 2024, electricity produced from wind, solar, biomass and hydroelectric power covered around 58 percent of Germany’s total consumption. This was revealed by projections carried out by the Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) and the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW). In the first half of 2023, renewables accounted for 52 percent of total consumption. Gross domestic electricity consumption totalled 261 billion kilowatt hours, putting it 0.3 percent below the previous year’s figure. The record shows that a secure and greenhouse gas-neutral electricity supply based on virtually 100 percent renewable energies, including hydrogen, can be achieved by 2035, stated ZSW CEO Frithjof Staiß. He added that this would provide a stable foundation for industry on its path to climate-neutral production.


28.06.2024: German Federal Government extends military peacekeeping mission

Berlin (dpa) - The deployment of German armed forces to the international missions off the Lebanese coast and in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been extended by another year. In a vote on Thursday a large majority of Bundestag members approved the mandates for the NATO KFOR and the EU EUFOR Althea missions in the Balkans, and the UN UNIFIL mission in the eastern Mediterranean. All these operations are designed to protect and preserve peace in their respective regions. 

The Bundeswehr has been involved in KFOR for 25 years, its longest deployment outside Germany. The role of the international force is to establish a secure environment and ensure public safety and order in Kosovo. The European Union EUFOR Althea mission ensures compliance with the Dayton Peace Agreement that put an end to the Bosnian war in 1995. The Bundeswehr is supporting the international UNIFIL operation, which has monitored the border zone between Israel and Lebanon since 1978, with a navy frigate.  It is patrolling the Mediterranean to prevent weapons from being smuggled to the pro-Iranian Hezbollah militia


27.06.2024: Federal Government honours contributions to international peacekeeping missions

Berlin ( – To mark the International Day of Peacekeeping, Germany’s Federal Government is honouring members of the armed forces, police officers and civilian experts for their contributions to peacekeeping missions. Defence Minister Boris Pistorius, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser expressed their thanks on behalf of the government to all those deployed on such missions, “who often work under difficult operational conditions in dangerous areas.” The three ministers have attended the International Day of Peacekeeping since 2013. This year the ceremony recognised the work of German military and civilian personnel serving in Lebanon with the UNIFIL mission, on the UNMISS mission in South Sudan, at the Special Criminal Court of the Central African Republic, on the EUMA mission to Armenia, with the UNMIK mission in Kosovo, and in Somalia with EUCAP Somalia.

At present, 639 military personnel, 170 civilian experts, 67 police officers, and numerous German employees of the United Nations are deployed on these missions. In addition to this, Germany is the fourth-largest donor to the UN Peacekeeping Budget, providing 6.1% of the total.


26.06.2024: Germany donates €19 million for international forest protection

Oslo ( - Germany is providing €19 million to support a new global implementation hub for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to help restore forest areas. At the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum, the German Environment Ministry is working to accelerate the restoration of destroyed forests around the world, and to curb deforestation. At the meeting hosted by Norway, environment ministers from countries with tropical forests and donor countries discussed measures to protect forests. Environment Minister Steffi Lemke said, “Protecting the foundations of our existence requires that all states implement the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the Paris Agreement. This therefore calls for targeted investment in restoring forests and putting a swift end to deforestation.”


25.06.2024: Commissioner for Human Rights Amtsberg travels to the Democratic Republic of Congo

Berlin ( – The Federal Government’s Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Assistance at the Federal Foreign Office, Luise Amtsberg (photo), is seeking to draw attention to the crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo by visiting the country.  “Away from the media spotlight”, an armed conflict is once again raging in the east of the country, forcing millions of people to flee and posing an acute threat to their safety, said Amtsberg, adding that a quarter of the population were dependent on humanitarian aid. Amtsberg said the second biggest food crisis in the world was unfolding in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

“By travelling to the country, my aim is to draw attention to the complex conflict going on in this region of Central Africa and focus attention on the German government’s commitment to pursuing a policy of vital humanitarian aid, stabilisation and development,” said the Human Rights Commissioner, adding that the situation in eastern Congo must not become a “forgotten crisis”.


24.06.2024: Bundesrat President Schwesig visits Ukraine

Kyiv (dpa) – The first female President of the Bundesrat, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s premier Manuela Schwesig arrived in Ukraine on Monday morning. Having travelled to Kyiv by train, she plans to hold political talks later in the day. “This is a sign of the solidarity of all 16 federal states with Ukraine,” she said. “Ukraine must win this war and Russia must not be allowed to get away with its aggression.” Schwesig has been President of the Bundesrat since 1 November 2023, a position she will hold for one year. It is the fourth highest state office after the Federal President, the President of the Bundestag and the Federal Chancellor. 


21.06.2024: New funding for vaccines made in Africa

Berlin ( – At a conference in Paris, governments, companies and foundations have agreed on new measures to establish vaccine production in Africa. The aim is to produce more than 800 million vaccine doses in African countries over the next ten years. The most important measure is a purchase guarantee for vaccines made in Africa, which will initially be more expensive than those from Asia. “When it came to distributing the coronavirus vaccines, Africa was at the back of the queue. This destroyed a lot of trust and must not happen again. One of the lessons learnt from this is to establish independent regional production in Africa,” said Development Minister Svenja Schulze. The German government will be supporting the new financing mechanism together with other donors: Team Europe – primarily the EU Commission, Germany, France and Italy – will be providing around 70 percent of the approximately one billion euros required.


20.06.2024: Climate and development partnership with Mozambique

Berlin ( – Germany and Mozambique have agreed on a new climate and development partnership. A declaration to this effect was signed by Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and César Francisco de Gouveia Júnior of the Mozambican Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to the Development Ministry, this new partnership with the south-east African country focuses on expanding renewable energies, investing in power grids, training specialists in the development of renewable energy sources and adapting to climate change. “Mozambique and Germany both stand to benefit from the new partnership,” said Flasbarth. It would help Mozambique establish a more stable energy supply, he added, as well as enabling the country to be better prepared to tackle the consequences of climate change such as droughts and floods. Meanwhile, he said, Germany was gaining a partner that offered great potential for the expansion of renewable energies and green hydrogen. 


19.06.2024: Vice Chancellor Habeck travels to South Korea and China

Berlin (dpa) – As part of a trip to East Asia, Germany’s Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Economic Affairs Robert Habeck will first visit South Korea, where he is due to meet representatives from politics and business. He will be accompanied by members of the Bundestag and a business delegation including representatives of medium-sized companies. According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, South Korea is Germany’s second most important export market in Asia, accounting for goods exports worth some 20 billion euros. Germany mainly exports cars and car parts to the country. South Korea itself is an important producer of information and communication technology. Habeck travels on to China on Friday. The main issues for discussion there are trade and economic relations, climate action and the climate-friendly restructuring of industry. 


18.06.2024: State Secretary for Climate will seek to promote the energy transition on her trip to Asia

Berlin ( – On a trip to Japan and China, the State Secretary and Special Envoy for International Climate Action at the Federal Foreign Office, Jennifer Morgan, will seek to strengthen partnerships for an accelerated energy transition. “Here in Germany and around the world, we’re seeing increasingly extreme weather events. This makes it all the more important for us to press ahead with the global energy transition,” said Morgan. As G7 countries, Germany and Japan had a “particularly important pioneering role” to play in the move away from fossil fuels, she added. She said that during her talks she would be looking to find out how the two countries could work even more closely together on the energy transition and the transformation of the economy. In China, Morgan will be attending the first plenary session of a new climate and transformation dialogue. “China’s contribution is crucial if we’re to meet the Paris climate targets and avert very serious climate damage,” said the State Secretary.


17.06.2024: Minister of State travels to the USA and Canada

Berlin ( – Tobias Lindner, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, is travelling to the USA and Canada for political talks on issues that include foreign and defence policy. In New York he will also be attending a UN Security Council event on cyber security. Lindner described German-American relations as “close and trusting”. Bilateral cooperation with Canada was also excellent, he said, adding that this would be enhanced by Canada’s G7 presidency next year. With regard to both countries, Lindner said: “We stand side by side with our North American partners in matters of security policy.”


14/06/2024: Scholz praises G7 aid pledges for Ukraine as a ‘historic step’

Bari (dpa) - Chancellor Olaf Scholz has described the aid package worth billions of dollars proposed by the G7 countries as a sending a clear signal to Russia’s President Putin. “The Russian president has a very obvious plan: he wants to prolong his war until everyone gives up on supporting Ukraine. But that plan has broken down today,” said Scholz at the G7 summit in Italy. He said the pledge would allow Ukrainians to go on defending themselves against the Russian invaders. “It’s also a clear signal to the Russian president that he can’t just play the waiting game,” Scholz said, stressing that

Putin cannot hope to win the war because of financial problems affecting Ukraine’s supporters. “That won’t happen, and to that extent, today is definitely a historic step,” Scholz said. Earlier that day the seven leading industrial democracies had agreed a massive aid package for Ukraine at their summit meeting in Italy, to be funded by interest on frozen Russian state assets. 

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13/06/2024: Chancellor Scholz travels to Italy for G7 summit

Berlin (dpa) - The leaders of the group of seven leading industrial nations, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, USA and the United Kingdom, have met for the annual G7 conference. Germany is represented by Chancellor Scholz at this year’s summit, which is taking place in Italy, hosted by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. The summit is being held in Apulia in southern Italy. In addition to the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, other guests at the summit include leaders from Turkey, Brazil and India and the Pope. The agenda for the conference is dominated by the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, the G7’s relationship with China and Africa, and migration.


12/06/2024: Skilled workers alliance starts to help rebuild Ukraine

Berlin (dpa) - At the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin, Germany has been joined by over 50 international organisations, states and businesses to start an initiative to train 180,000 skilled workers to help with reconstruction in the country. “By doing this we’re providing vital support to Ukraine for wartime reconstruction. Regardless of how many times Russia destroys power lines, hospitals and buildings, Ukrainians will have the knowledge and skills to rebuild them,” said Germany’s Development Minister Svenja Schulze (pictured). The members of the Skills Alliance for Ukraine have pledged over €700m for reconstruction. The programme is expected to last for three years and is aimed at young people, internally displaced persons and women.


11/06/2024: Minister of State Lindner attends Gaza humanitarian conference in Jordan

Berlin ( – The Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, Tobias Lindner, is representing the German government at a humanitarian conference for Gaza in Jordan. “Germany continues to support the people of Gaza through intensive crisis diplomacy and comprehensive humanitarian aid,” Lindner said. However, despite all efforts too little aid is reaching the people of Gaza, he said, stressing the need for the Israeli government to facilitate safe and unimpeded access. Lindner also said the three-stage plan put forward by US President Joe Biden was currently, “the best route to a humanitarian ceasefire, the immediate release of all hostages, and adequate humanitarian aid for the civilian population in Gaza.” According to government figures, Germany has provided aid worth €294m to the Palestinian territories since 2023.


10.06.2024: Baerbock says hostage release offers “glimmer of hope” in Gaza war

Berlin (dpa) – Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has fresh hope for an end to the Gaza war following the liberation of four Israeli hostages in the Gaza Strip. “It’s now up to Hamas – they must agree to the proposed agreement on a ceasefire,” Baerbock told the Funke Mediengruppe newspapers. “The proposal is on the table and it could be the beginning of the end of the war.” For the families of the four hostages, the liberation was a moment of happiness they had barely dared hope for, said Baerbock. “For the people in the Middle East, this offers a glimmer of hope that the suffering may finally come to an end. And that the other hostages will also be released and can be embraced by their loved ones.” According to army sources, Israeli special forces rescued four hostages in the centre of the Gaza Strip on Saturday.


07.06.2024: Baerbock: reappraisal of colonialism is integral to German security policy

Berlin (dpa) – Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock sees a self-critical approach to Germany’s colonial past as a necessary basis for security partnerships with countries of the global South. “An open approach to our history and the ability to be self-critical of our past – this is integral to our security policy,” said Baerbock at the presentation of the book “Das Auswärtige Amt und die Kolonien” [The Federal Foreign Office and the Colonies] in Berlin. “We can’t heal the past or undo past mistakes. But we can learn lessons and take on responsibility for today and for the future.”

Sponsored by the Foreign Ministry, the book is a collection of essays by scholars from Africa, Asia, Europe and America analysing the Ministry’s role during the colonial era. Its colonial department was responsible for German colonial rule in Africa, Asia and Oceania from 1890 to 1907. In 1907 the department became the Imperial Colonial Office. The German Empire was an important colonial power from around 1880 to 1919.


06.06.2024: Scholz at D-Day 80th anniversary celebrations

Normandy (dpa) - On Thursday, numerous leaders from around the world are expected to attend a major international ceremony on the Normandy coast to commemorate the Allied landings in the Second World War. To mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, not only US President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz, but also the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, King Charles III from the United Kingdom, the Dutch Royal Family and a number of veterans will be coming to France. Representatives of Russia were not invited because of the Ukraine war. Allied troops had landed on the beaches of Normandy on 6 June 1944. D-Day was the beginning of the liberation of France and Western Europe from Nazi rule. 


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05.06.2024: Scholz opens ILA aerospace trade fair in Berlin

Berlin (dpa) - Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) took a tour to open this year’s International Aerospace Exhibition (ILA) in Berlin. Some 600 exhibitors will be presenting their products on the grounds of the capital’s BER airport until Sunday. In addition to defence and security, the main thematic focus is the sustainable transformation of civil aviation. Flight demonstrations of military and civilian aircraft are planned to take place four times on each day of the exhibition, each lasting around half an hour. 


04.06.2024: Chancellor Scholz defends weapons decision for Ukraine 

Berlin (dpa) - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has defended the decision to allow Ukraine to fire German weapons at Russian targets in defence of the Kharkiv border region. ‘We are certain that it will not contribute to an escalation, because - as the American president has also described - it is only about being able to defend a major city like Kharkiv, for example,’ the German head of government said in an interview. ‘And I think it makes sense to everyone that this must be possible.’ On Friday, government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit had informed the Chancellor of the decision that Ukraine, which has been attacked by Russia, may now also fire weapons supplied by Germany against military targets in Russia. The previous day, the US government had authorised Ukraine to use American weapons on a limited scale against targets on Russian territory.


03.06.2024: Successful initiative: new protected area in Antarctica 

Berlin ( - A German-American initiative to protect the unique Antarctic flora and fauna in the Antarctic has led to the establishment of a new protected area. Seven islands at the north-eastern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, the so-called ‘Danger Islands’, were declared a protected area at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Antarctic Treaty Parties. The initiative was initiated and developed by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and financed by the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUV). Environment Minister Steffi Lemke is delighted with the success: ‘The Danger Islands are home to rare seabirds and harbour one of the world's largest breeding colonies of Adelie penguins. I am delighted that Germany has made an important contribution to expanding the Antarctic network of protected areas to include these seven islands."


31.05.2024: Pistorius announces more weapons for Ukraine

Chisinau (dpa) - Against the backdrop of the Russian threat, Defence Minister Boris Pistorius is continuing his support trip to the region in the neighbouring Ukrainian republic of Moldova. He was received there with military honours on Friday. He had previously visited the southern Ukrainian port city of Odessa, where he announced further arms deliveries totalling 500 million euros. He said that the focus would be on air defence and that the weapons would be delivered soon. The German government had previously stated that Ukraine fulfils all the requirements for talks on joining the European Union. The accession negotiations could be opened in June.  


31.05.2024: Germany extends KFOR commitment in Kosovo 

Berlin (dpa) - The German government has decided to extend the deployment of German soldiers in the NATO mission KFOR in Kosovo by a further year. 25 years after the start of the mission, the personnel ceiling is to remain at 400 German soldiers. In total, around 4,800 soldiers from 28 nations are serving in Kosovo, of which around 290 are currently from Germany. The Bundestag still has to approve the mandate extension.  


29.05.2024: Bundeswehr ends major exercise as part of NATO manoeuvre

Vilnius (dpa) - The Bundeswehr exercise Quadriga 2024, part of the major NATO manoeuvre Staedfast Defender, is coming to an end in Lithuania. The Commander-in-Chief of the German Armed Forces, Inspector General Carsten Breuer, has described the manoeuvre as a signal of credible deterrence. The Baltic states and the commitment in Lithuania are ‘cornerstones of the German contribution to the defence of NATO's eastern flank’, said Breuer in Vilnius. For the current NATO exercise series Steadfast Defender, the alliance is mobilising around 90,000 soldiers for several months. In response to the changed security situation in Europe, the German government has pledged to station a combat unit permanently in Lithuania. 


28.05.2024: Brussels Syria conference grants billions in aid 

Brussels (dpa) - The international community is providing a further 7.5 billion euros to mitigate the consequences of the civil war in Syria. EU Commissioner Janez Lenarcic announced after a donor conference in Brussels that 5 billion euros of this amount would be provided as grants and 2.5 billion euros as loans. A large part of the total amount will come from Germany. Tobias Lindner, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, announced a contribution of 1.053 billion euros to support people in Syria and the neighbouring countries hosting them. Lindner emphasised that, from a German perspective, no refugees could be forcibly returned to the areas controlled by the Syrian government due to the situation there.


27.05.2024: Baerbock at EU foreign ministers' meeting in Brussels 

Brussels (dpa) - The foreign ministers of the 27 EU member states want to adopt a new legal framework for sanctioning serious human rights violations in Russia at their meeting in Brussels. Among other things, it should make it possible to impose punitive measures against individuals and organisations responsible for the repression of the opposition in the country. These include the freezing of assets held in the EU and entry bans. In a first step, sanctions are to be imposed in particular on individuals accused of being partly responsible for the death of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny. Germany, represented by Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, and the other 26 EU member states are of the opinion that President Vladimir Putin and the Russian authorities are to blame for the politician's death. Other topics include the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the Middle East conflict.  


24.05.2024: Minister of State Keul visits school abroad in Lisbon

Berlin ( - Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office Katja Keul is travelling to the Portuguese capital to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the German school abroad in Lisbon. "It is a particular pleasure for me to celebrate the 175th birthday of our third-oldest German school abroad in Lisbon. Our dense global network of schools abroad is a sustainable investment in the long-term quality of Germany's relations with other countries and their civil societies,’ said Keul before her departure. There are currently 135 German schools abroad in 66 countries with around 82,000 pupils. Funding the schools is a joint task of the federal and state governments: The federal government provides the funding, while the federal states provide teachers on leave and are responsible for the German qualifications 


23.05.2024: Berlin, Paris and Warsaw want to pool security policy 

Weimar (dpa) - Germany, France and Poland want to be the driving force behind a common European security policy in the face of hybrid threats from Russia They also want to take more intensive action against disinformation ahead of the European elections. ‘We can no longer afford a foreign policy on autopilot,’ said Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock following consultations with her colleagues Stéphane Séjourné and Radoslaw Sikorski from France and Poland in the Weimar Triangle format. The Foreign Minister announced that the three countries wanted to join forces as the Weimar Triangle in the fight against fake news and disinformation. Baerbock, Séjourné and Sikorski drew up a concrete work plan for a stronger geopolitical Europe in a ‘Weimar Agenda’. In addition to security and defence policy, the agenda includes the goal of reforming the EU with faster decision-making and a ‘green Weimar Triangle’. The Weimar Triangle was established in 1991 as a dialogue format.  

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22.05.2024: Construction begins on first direct German-UK power link

Wilhelmshaven (dpa) – The first direct power link is being built between Germany and the UK. German Economics Minister Robert Habeck and UK Minister of State for Trade Policy Greg Hands have symbolically broken ground for the “NeuConnect” project in the German port city of Wilhelmshaven, which will see the energy grids of the two countries connected across a distance of more than 700 kilometres. The power cable that will largely cross the North Sea is to go into operation in 2028. 

German Vice Chancellor Habeck said that the new power link would allow more flexibility for the transport of renewable energies. “The more interconnected Europe is, the bigger the network is, the more efficiently the system can be operated and controlled and the better the grand goal of decarbonisation, i.e. a climate-neutral power supply, can be achieved.”


21.05.2024: Government tightens regulations for sustainable textile procurement

Berlin ( – The German government plans to give even greater consideration to ecological and social criteria when purchasing textiles in future. To this end, the Development Ministry is revising its guidelines for sustainable textile procurement. “Responsible procurement means improving the lives of millions of people worldwide,” explained Development Minister Schulze. “We are working with textiles companies that make sure their products are manufactured without child labour and without destroying the environment.” The guidelines, which are now being revised for the third time, apply to all authorities and administrative bodies of the German federal government. They describe in concrete terms how human rights due diligence can be enshrined in public procurement – similar to the Supply Chain Act for the private sector. The ecological requirements are also stricter than before.


17.05.2024: Baerbock calls for Council of Europe’s values to be defended

Berlin (dpa) – 75 years after the Council of Europe was established, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has called for the values of this first major European post-war organisation, which have come under pressure, to be defended. “Our European way of life, the values of our Council of Europe, are being challenged like never before since the end of the Cold War,” Baerbock said at the German Bundestag. Established in 1949, the Council of Europe is responsible for upholding human rights in its member states. It is not an institution of the European Union. Its 46 members include all EU countries, as well as the United Kingdom and Turkey. The foreign minister said that she felt deep gratitude on the occasion of the anniversary and that Germany had been “able in Europe and through Europe to grow into a democracy”.


16.05.2024: German government planning to extend two international Bundeswehr missions

Berlin (dpa) - The Bundeswehr, Germany’s armed forces, is to spend another year taking part in the international missions off the Lebanese coast and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. That has been decided by the Federal Cabinet in Berlin. The UN’s Unifil mission, in which Germany plans to continue participating with up to 300 soldiers, aims first and foremost to prevent weapons being smuggled into Lebanon. The EU’s Eufor Althea mission is intended to ensure compliance with the Dayton Peace Agreement that put an end to the Bosnian war in 1995. Both these Bundeswehr missions abroad are to be extended until 30 June 2025. In a final step, the Bundestag - Germany’s parliament - has to approve the extension.


15.05.2024: Schulze advocates assistance for internally displaced persons worldwide

Berlin ( – Germany’s Development Minister Svenja Schulze has urged support for people who are fleeing within their own country. “Wars, conflicts, natural disasters and the impacts of climate change are forcing more and more people to leave their homes,” the minister said, commenting on the surge in the number of internally displaced persons to a record 75.9 million people worldwide at the end of 2023. According to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, this was around seven percent more than a year earlier, and 50 percent more than five years earlier. 

The number reflects “immense suffering that often remains invisible to us,” Schulze said. “This is because these people, rather than coming to Europe, are accommodated in other parts of their own country.” Developing countries themselves shoulder the greatest burden when it comes to taking in the many internally displaced persons. “That’s why it is important for us to support the host communities in their efforts to take care of these displaced persons.” The German Development Ministry, through its special initiative “Displaced Persons and Host Countries”, supports people who are fleeing and the countries that host them. Since 2014, more than 300 projects have already been successfully implemented in 78 countries.


14.05.2024: German Foreign Minister Baerbock shares EU’s concerns about Georgia

Brussels (dpa) - In view of the planned law in Georgia to restrict foreign influence on civil society, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and eleven other European Union foreign ministers have expressed great concern. In a joint letter to EU chief diplomat Josep Borrell and EU Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi, they have requested Borrell to explain how the proposed law will affect the country’s EU accession process. After EU leaders granted Georgia EU candidate country status last year, the Georgian government appears to be jeopardising the chance to push forward the country’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration, write the ministers. The law is not compatible with Georgia’s progress on its path to the EU, according to the letter. 


13.05.2024: Scholz meets heads of government of Nordic countries in Sweden

Stockholm (dpa) - Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz is travelling to Sweden to hold talks with the heads of government of the Nordic countries. The meeting will involve the Prime Ministers of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway. The main aim is to discuss the security situation in Europe and the provision of support for Ukraine in its defence against Russia, but the talks will also focus on so-called hybrid threats such as cyber attacks and sabotage. 


10.05.2024: German Development Minister Schulze in Ukraine for reconstruction talks

Kyiv (dpa) - Germany’s Development Minister Svenja Schulze has visited Ukraine one month ahead of the Recovery Conference in Berlin. During her visit, German promotional bank KfW signed a contract to provide 45 million euros in grants to repair the electricity grid. “Ukraine will only be able to get through the war and rebuild if it has a functioning electricity supply,” the minister said. The training of skilled professionals was another focus of her visit. “Doctors and electricians are at least as important as tanks,” said Schulze. A Recovery Conference is to take place in Berlin on 11 and 12 June. Around 1,500 people are expected to attend, including heads of state and government.


08.05.2024: German Defence Minister Pistorius visits the USA and Canada

New York (dpa) – Germany’s Defence Minister Boris Pistorius has called for further joint support for Ukraine at the start of a military policy visit to the USA and Canada. Russian President Vladimir Putin must not be allowed to get away with his brutal war of aggression, Pistorius said in New York. “It is a question of whether and how democracies defend themselves.” He said that this was Europe’s most important strategic question and that the attack posed the greatest threat to the international order.

The minister plans to discuss the security policy situation in the world with his NATO partners, the USA and Canada, and to explain to them Germany’s increased commitment to the alliance. To this end, Pistorius will be meeting with his US counterpart Lloyd Austin in Washington and Canadian Defence Minister Bill Blair in Ottawa.


07.05.2024: Special Climate Envoy Morgan travels to Africa

Berlin ( – Jennifer Morgan, State Secretary and Special Envoy for International Climate Action at Germany’s Federal Foreign Office, hopes to drive forward the energy transition during a trip to three African countries. “Africa is a continent which has a huge role to play in the energy transition,” Morgan declared prior to her visit to Nigeria, Ethiopia and Kenya. She explained that the massive potential of renewables opened up opportunities for the people there and for cooperation with Europe. But that at the same time, many countries in Africa were particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, as could currently be seen once again in the flooding in Kenya. 

One central topic of Morgan’s visit is the “Accelerated Partnership for Renewables in Africa” (APRA), which was launched by Kenyan President William Ruto and is supported by Germany. “With APRA we are shifting the energy transition into a higher gear. Kenya, with its ambitious goals, is an important partner in Africa,” Morgan explained.


06.05.2024: German Chancellor Scholz travels to Baltic states 

Berlin (dpa) - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is beginning a trip to the Baltic states by visiting German troops in Lithuania. The 10th armoured division is taking part in a major NATO exercise there. Talks with the Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda are also planned. They are to focus among other things on the brigade of around 4,800 soldiers that Germany intends to station in Lithuania in response to the changed security situation and Russia’s aggressive activities on NATO’s eastern flank. Scholz will then travel on to the Latvian capital Riga, where he plans to meet with the prime ministers of the three Baltic states. The talks with the Latvian Prime Minister Evik Siliņa, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas and Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė will address questions of security and defence policy, among other issues.


03.05.2024: Baerbock brings cultural artefacts back to Aboriginal people

Adelaide (dpa) – During a visit to Australia, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has officially returned cultural artefacts to the Aboriginal Kaurna people. The items in question are a bark peeler, a spear, a fishing net and a club, all of which were sent to Germany by two missionaries in the 19th century and were most recently exhibited at the Grassi Museum für Völkerkunde in Leipzig. “Each of these items holds countless stories. Stories about how the Kaurna people lived over 150 years ago,” Baerbock said at the return-to-country ceremony in the South Australian city of Adelaide. 

Australia is the first stop on Baerbock’s one-week trip to the Indo-Pacific region. In Adelaide in South Australia, the minister first met with her counterpart Penny Wong on Friday. Visits to the Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre and to Osborne Shipyard are also scheduled. 


02/05/2024: Celebrating 20th anniversary of EU eastern expansion

Slubice/Berlin (dpa/ – On the 20th anniversary of several Eastern European states joining the European Union, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock praised that expansion as a win for Europe as a whole. Their accession had strengthened the whole community and above all made it more secure, Baerbock said in the cities of Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice, which straddle the German-Polish border. She described the expansion 20 years ago as an “incredible moment ... when we as countries, as societies, as Europe, found the strength to overcome the division of Europe. And at the same time, we at last became a community of peace and freedom.” To mark the anniversary celebrations Brandenburg Gate in Berlin was illuminated in the colours of the EU flag bearing the word “together” in German.

On 1 May 2004 the former Eastern Bloc states of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia joined the European Union along with Malta and Cyprus. It was the largest single expansion in the history of the European Union. At a stroke the European community grew by another 75 million people.


30.04.2024: States looking to step up the fight against disinformation

Paris (dpa) – Ahead of the European elections in June, Germany, France and Poland are particularly looking to step up the fight against Russian attempts at disinformation aimed at undermining democracy and casting the EU in a bad light. There will be no toleration of any attempts to interfere in democratic processes, said Germany’s Minister for European Affairs Anna Lührmann, France’s Deputy Minister for European Affairs Jean-Noël Barrot and Poland’s Foreign Minister Adam Szlapka at a meeting near Paris. 

The three countries are working at EU level to ensure that large online platforms and search engines take faster and more effective action against the disinformation campaigns that are repeatedly uncovered by national authorities. “I believe it’s crucial for us to take more decisive action against disinformation,” said Lührmann at the meeting of the so-called Weimar Triangle.


30.04.2024: New military aid for Ukraine

Berlin (dpa) – Germany has once again supplied Ukraine with armaments, not least in order to strengthen its air defence system. According to the Federal Government, the arms supplied included a second Skynex air defence system, almost 30,000 rounds of ammunition for the Gepard air defence tank and ammunition for the Iris-T system. The updated list of German military aid did not include the third Patriot air defence system promised in mid-April.


29.04.2024: Steinmeier praises 20th anniversary of Czech EU membership

Berlin (dpa) - Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is travelling to the Czech Republic to join in celebrating the 20th anniversary of the country joining the EU. His agenda in Prague includes meeting President Petr Pavel. The Czech Republic and nine other mainly Eastern European states were accepted into the European Union on 1 May 2004. The event remains the largest expansion in EU history. Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia, joined the EU on 1 May 2004. 


26.04.2024. Group of countries calls on Hamas to release hostages

Washington/Berlin (dpa) -Germany, the USA and 16 other countries have called on the terrorist organisation Hamas to immediately release all hostages who have been held captive in the Gaza Strip for over 200 days. “The fate of the hostages and the civilian population in Gaza, who are protected under international law, is of international concern,” reads a joint statement. “We reiterate our call on Hamas to release the hostages, and let us end this crisis so that collectively we can focus our efforts on bringing peace and stability to the region.”

Besides US President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the statement was also signed by the leaders of Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Thailand and the United Kingdom.


25.04.2024: Scholz and Sunak agree on close cooperation

Berlin/London (dpa) - Germany and the United Kingdom intend to further intensify their cooperation, announced German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak during the latter’s visit to Berlin. “Today we are opening a new chapter in our relationship, one that will make us safer and more prosperous,” Sunak said in Berlin. The two countries agree on the need for massive military support for Ukraine, for collaboration on military projects and for closer cooperation in the energy sector and in the fight against organised crime.


24.04.2024: Petersberg Climate Dialogue begins in Berlin

Berlin ( – At the two-day Petersberg Climate Dialogue that will be held at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin from Thursday, representatives of more than 40 countries will be setting the course for a successful COP29 climate conference in Azerbaijan. Discussions will focus on how to achieve the global climate targets. Specifically, one of the topics to be discussed will be the goal - agreed at COP28 last year - of tripling the share of renewable energies by 2030. Those speaking at the Petersberg Dialogue will include German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, Economics Minister Robert Habeck and Development Minister Svenja Schulze. Since 2010, the event has brought representatives of selected states together in Germany each year to prepare for the UN climate change conferences.


23.04.2024: Steinmeier praises achievements of Turks in Germany

Berlin (dpa) – During his visit to Turkey, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has paid tribute to the contribution made by hundreds of thousands of Turks in the early 1960s to Germany’s “economic miracle”. Be it in mining or on the assembly lines of the automotive industry, such achievements were all too often forgotten, Steinmeier said at the start of his three-day visit to Turkey. “They helped to build our country, they made it strong, and they belong at the heart of our society,” he added, referring to the nearly three million people of Turkish descent who live in Germany today. “They are not people with a migrant background - Germany is a country with a migrant background.” Ahead of his speech, the German president was welcomed by Istanbul’s Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu. 


22.04.2024: Steinmeier visits Turkey 

Berlin ( / dpa) - German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is travelling to Turkey for a three-day official visit. The reason for his trip is the 100th anniversary of the start of diplomatic relations between Germany and Turkey. The president is being accompanied on his visit by Finance Minister Christian Lindner and other representatives of the German government. In visiting Turkey, the president is paying tribute to the close ties between the two countries and wants in particular to express how much he values the life stories and life achievements of the millions of people of Turkish descent in Germany. For Germany, the Republic of Turkey is an important partner in the region, in NATO and in the G20. 


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19.04.2024: German Economics Minister Habeck visits Ukraine

Berlin (dpa) – Accompanied by a business delegation, Germany’s Economics Minister and Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck is visiting the Ukrainian capital Kyiv. The two-day visit is part of Germany’s preparations for the upcoming Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2024), which will be taking place in Berlin on 11 and 12 June. Habeck laid flowers at the memorial site to fallen soldiers. He said that Ukraine needed every possible support in its “fight for freedom”. Previously, the EU had raised the prospect of further military support in the face of massive Russian missile and drone attacks on Ukraine. 


18.04.2024: Lindner and Schulze at World Bank meetings 

New York ( – Germany’s Finance Minister Christian Lindner and Development Minister Svenja Schulze are representing Germany at the World Bank’s Spring Meetings in Washington. At their Annual Meeting in Marrakech last October, the shareholders of the World Bank had agreed to a reform that will lead to more investments in climate action and other global development goals (“better bank”). Key implementation steps are now to be agreed at the Spring Meetings. Schulze, as the Governor for Germany in the World Bank Group, had initiated the reform in 2022 together with the US and other shareholders. A new guiding vision was also adopted: “A world free of poverty on a livable planet.” 


17.04.2024: German Environment Minister Lemke at Our Ocean Conference in Athens

Athens ( - German Environment Minister Steffi Lemke has called at the Our Ocean Conference in Athens for the UN’s High Seas Treaty to be quickly ratified. The Our Ocean Conference sees the participating countries present their concrete commitments to protecting the seas. Germany has submitted ten individual commitments with a financial volume of nearly 500 million euros, the lion’s share of this total to be generated by the auctioning of licences for offshore wind farms near Germany’s coasts. “The climate crisis, pollution and overexploitation are having a devastating impact on biodiversity, and therefore also on us. That’s why we must protect the oceans better,” declared Lemke. Besides the topic of marine protection areas, the Our Ocean Conference will also be focusing on the environmentally friendly use of the seas, the reduction of marine litter and on sustainable fishing. 


16.04.2024: Research minister visits research station in Spitsbergen

Berlin ( - Together with a German-French-Norwegian delegation, German Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger is visiting the joint AWIPEV research station in Spitsbergen. The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and the French Polar Institute Paul-Émile Victor (IPEV) jointly run the AWIPEV research station with the support of the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI). It researches among other things the composition of the atmosphere, glaciers and icebergs, changes to them and the transformation of ecosystems. To mark 20 years of collaboration, Stark-Watzinger is visiting the station together with the French Minister Sylvie Retailleau and Norwegian State Secretary Sindre Lysø. “Combating climate change is a challenge for all humankind,” says Stark-Watzinger, “and a goal we can only achieve with science and data.” 


15.04.2024: Donor conference keen to avert humanitarian catastrophe in Sudan

Paris (dpa) - In view of the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Sudan, France and Germany are looking with partner countries for ways out of the crisis. A donor conference in Paris is being hosted by Stéphane Séjourné and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock. According to the latest figures from the UN Refugee Agency, 8.6 million people in Sudan and its neighbouring countries are fleeing from fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the RSF paramilitary group. Other estimates point to more than nine million people. Even at a cautious estimate, one in eight refugees worldwide comes from Sudan. The conflict has led to a dramatic deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Sudan, with a famine looming in several regions.


12.04.2024: Scholz: We will not turn our backs on Mali and its neighbours

Berlin (dpa) - The German Chancellor Olaf Scholz wants to continue Germany’s activities in those West African states in the Sahel that are ruled by the military following coups. Scholz said that in view of the terrorist threat it was important to stabilise Mali and its neighbours even after the withdrawal of the Bundeswehr and the end of the UN mission in Mali. “We cannot and will not turn our backs on this region for this reason,” he said in Berlin during a final speech to honour the Bundeswehr’s deployment in Mali. Mali and its neighbours Burkina Faso and Niger are under military rule following coups and are seeking ever closer relations with Russia. The UN’s 12,000 peacekeepers had to leave Mali at the end of last year. 20,000 members of the Bundeswehr in total were deployed in Mali during the ten-year peacekeeping mission.


11.04.2024: Lührmann at Three Seas Summit in Vilnius

Berlin ( - Anna Lührmann, Germany’s minister of state for Europe and climate, is travelling to the Lithuanian capital Vilnius to attend the Three Seas Summit. The Three Seas Initiative aims to improve cooperation between member states in the areas of energy, transport and digitisation in the Three Seas region between the Adriatic, Baltic and Black seas. Lührmann will also visit German soldiers of NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence battle group in Rukla. “To safeguard Europe we need a resilient energy supply and economy and a resolute fight against disinformation. In this context we can learn a lot from our partners in the Baltic states,” she said prior to her departure.


10.04.2024: Germany, France and Italy call for strong industrial policy 

Meudon (dpa) – The economics ministers of Germany, France and Italy have called for a stronger European industrial policy to counter the competition from the USA and China. At a tripartite meeting in Meudon near Paris, Robert Habeck, his French counterpart Bruno Le Maire and the Italian minister Adolfo Urso voiced support for more coordination to secure the EU’s strategic autonomy and defend its independence as an economic power. “It is a question of the bloc’s geopolitical ability to act,” Habeck said. 


09.04.2024: German Chancellor Scholz to visit China 

Berlin (dpa) – German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will be travelling to China for three days on Saturday, where he will also meet with President Xi Jinping. Besides the capital Beijing, Scholz will visit Chongqing and Shanghai, said government spokesperson Steffen Hebestreit. The chancellor will be accompanied by a business delegation. The ministers Cem Özdemir (Agriculture), Volker Wissing (Transport) and Steffi Lemke (Environment) will also be joining him for part of the time. This will be the chancellor’s second trip to China since taking office in Dezember 2021. The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the tensions between China and Taiwan and economic matters are likely to be among the main topics of discussion. 


08.04.2024: Bundeswehr advance party flies to Lithuania

Berlin (dpa) – In sending an advance party to Lithuania, the Bundeswehr is taking another step towards stationing a combat brigade on NATO’s eastern flank. German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius took his leave of around 20 soldiers on Monday who are to prepare the permanent stationing of up to 5,000 German soldiers in Lithuania. In response to the changed security situation in Europe following the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, Germany has pledged to relocate a combat-ready fighting battalion that is capable of acting independently to Lithuania by 2027. Lithuania had requested the stationing within the framework of NATO’s collective defence obligations.


05.04.2024: Germany welcomes HRC decision on human rights situation in Iran

Berlin ( - The UN Human Rights Council (HRC) has decided to extend the mandate of the Fact-Finding Mission on the human rights situation in Iran. Germany welcomed the decision: “We will not abandon the courageous people in Iran – we have an ongoing obligation to stand by them rather than leave them to their fate.” The mission had been deployed in November 2022, when the people in Iran, under the slogan Woman, Life, Freedom, had protested for justice and democracy following the death in police custody of Jina Mahsa Amini. A Federal Foreign Office statement on the extension reads: “Even a year and a half after the death of Jina Mahsa Amini and the brutal suppression of the subsequent protests, the human rights situation in Iran remains disastrous. Those in Iran taking to the streets for their freedom and political rights have to fear for their lives, whether it be due to the use of violence on the part of the security forces or executions.”


4.4.2024: State Secretary Kofler inaugurates solar power plant in Côte d’Ivoire

Berlin ( – The first solar power plant in Côte d’Ivoire has been jointly inaugurated by Prime Minister Robert Beugré Mambé, Bärbel Kofler, the state secretary in Germany’s Development Ministry, and the deputy director general for international partnerships of the EU, Myriam Ferran. Located in Boundiali in the north of the country, it will initially supply low-cost and clean electricity to companies and 35,000 households with more than 250,000 people. At the same time, the foundation stone was laid for the plant’s expansion, which is to make it the largest solar power plant in West Africa. Kofler said: “The inauguration sends out a visible sign here to encourage climate protection and development.”


02.04.2023: State Secretary Kofler visits Côte d’Ivoire and Sierra Leone

Berlin ( – Bärbel Kofler, the parliamentary state secretary in Germany’s Development Ministry, is travelling to the West African coastal countries of Côte d’Ivoire and Sierra Leone. “It is also important for us in Europe that our neighbour West Africa should remain stable. That’s why German development cooperation is supporting Côte d’Ivoire and Sierra Leone,” Kofler said prior to her departure. She said her trip would focus on “new jobs for the huge youth generation and investments in a safe and climate-friendly energy supply. Both will play a key part in effectively combating poverty.” In addition, she said that it was important to “better protect the region’s unique forests and wetlands with their rich biodiversity”. 


28.03.2024: Scholz and Siliņa emphasise solidarity with Ukraine

Germany and Latvia will continue to support Ukraine. During a visit by Latvian Prime Minister Evika Siliņa, German Chancellor Scholz said that the two countries were for example involved in the Czech ammunition procurement initiative. As far as NATO is concerned, he said: “We stand together.” Siliņa had come to Berlin for her first visit as Latvia’s head of government. According to Scholz, the friendly and trust-based relations between the two countries are the result of a long shared history. He thanked Latvia for the good cooperation and underlined once again the need for unconditional solidarity with the Baltic states, saying that the countries were ready to jointly defend every centimetre of NATO territory.


27.03.2024: Scholz advocates rapid EU membership for Western Balkan countries

Brdo/Slovenia (dpa) – During a visit to Slovenia, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has once again called for the six countries of the Western Balkans to be admitted to the European Union as quickly as possible. Following a meeting with Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob, he also stressed however that when this happened would depend solely on the fulfilment of all criteria. He said that Germany was endeavouring to reduce the tensions between the states of the Western Balkans so as then to be able to concentrate on what really mattered: “Namely progress on the individual regulations necessary to become a member of the European Union.”

Six countries of the Western Balkans are keen to join the EU but are at different stages of the accession process: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Slovenia is one of the Balkan states that has already joined the EU. It was admitted in 2004, 20 years ago.


26.03.2024: Baerbock “relieved” following UN resolution on ceasefire in Gaza

Jerusalem (dpa) – Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has welcomed the Security Council’s demand for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. On the sidelines of a visit to Israel, Baerbock said she was “relieved by the adoption of the resolution, because every day counts,” adding that this applied both to those suffering hunger in Gaza and to the hostages that are still being kept prisoner by the Islamist Hamas group. Beforehand, the UN Security Council in New York had for the first time demanded an “immediate ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip nearly six months after the beginning of the war.

After a meeting with Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas, Baerbock expressly praised the Palestinian Authority (PA) for its contribution to the UN Resolution. By unequivocally condemning the Hamas violence against civilians on 7 October in Israel, the PA headed by Abbas had made “an important contribution” to the decision in New York, she explained, and said that she could only join the PA in calling for Hamas to lay down its weapons. 

In the face of the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, the minister emphatically warned the Israeli government against carrying out its planned ground offensive in Rafah. “There must be no large-scale offensive on Rafah,” Baerbock said. People there “cannot disappear into thin air”. This was the sixth time the foreign minister had visited Israel since the terrorist attack by the Islamist Hamas group on 7 October 2023.


25.03.2024: Germany condemns Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s power infrastructure

Berlin ( – Germany’s Development Minister Svenja Schulze (photo) has condemned Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s electricity infrastructure and pledged German help with reconstruction. “Heat and electricity are essential for the people,” said Schulze, adding that Ukraine had already demonstrated it was capable of quickly rebuilding this key infrastructure. “Germany will continue to support Ukraine in this endeavour.” The minister also stressed that the two countries would work together to ensure more effective protection of central substations in future so as to prevent Russian President Vladimir Putin’s scheme from being successful.


22.03.2024: Scholz welcomes EU accession talks with Bosnia-Herzegovina

Brussels (dpa) – Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz praised the start of negotiations on Bosnia-Herzegovina’s accession to the European Union as a “clear sign of a strong Europe”. “The European peace project is growing,” Scholz wrote on X. The EU has agreed to start accession talks with the Balkan country, but the first accession conference will only be organised when Bosnia-Herzegovina completes required reforms. The EU had offered the country the prospect of accession in principle in 2003. Bosnia-Herzegovina submitted an official application in 2016. It was accepted into the group of accession candidates in 2022.


21.03.2024: Scholz appeals for EU unity in Ukraine policy

Berlin (dpa) - Ahead of the EU summit in Brussels, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz has appealed for unity in support for Ukraine as it defends itself against Russia. “We stand together,” he said in a government statement to the Bundestag. He said his message to President Vladimir Putin was, “If the Russian President believes that he only has to sit and wait during this war and that our support will wane, he has miscalculated.” Scholz stressed that Russia cannot speculate on declining Western support for Ukraine.

At the two-day spring meeting in Brussels, the leaders of the 27 EU states will discuss topics including expanding military aid for Ukraine and boosting the European defence industry. They will also focus on the Middle East conflict and potential measures to support farmers in the EU.


20.03.2024: Germany pledges further military aid for Ukraine

Ramstein (dpa) - Germany acts quickly to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia by sending additional supplies of munitions. Germany would send 10,000 artillery shells from Bundeswehr reserves said Federal Defence Minister Boris Pistorius (photo). He was speaking at a meeting of the Ukraine Contact Group at the US Air Force base in Ramstein in Germany. According to the minister the aid package is worth €500m. This year alone, Germany has already provided aid to Kyiv worth €7 billion. The new package also includes 100 armoured vehicles for infantry and 100 transport vehicles. 

The €500m also includes cash which Germany is giving to a Czech munitions initiative to fund the purchase of 180,000 shells. Germany also plans to contractually regulate 100,000 shells nationally. Those attending the meeting at Ramstein in South-West Germany included US Defence Minister Lloyd Austin and defence minister and military figures from around 50 countries. Austin announced further international support for Ukraine. 


19.03.2024: Baerbock welcomes EU sanctions on Israeli settlers 

Brussels (dpa) – For the first time the EU plans to impose sanctions on radical Israeli settlers in the West Bank. At a meeting in Brussels the foreign ministers of EU member states agreed the plans, said EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell. The background to the plans are violent attacks on Palestinians by extremist settlers, particularly in the aftermath of the Hamas massacre in Israel on 7 October. Along with the building of settlements, the attacks are seen as a barrier to efforts to achieve a long-term peaceful solution to the Middle East conflict. Speaking about the plans, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said Germany believed it was essential to state that neither was in line with international law. Further punitive measures against Hamas were also announced.


18.03.2024: Steinmeier highlights victims of persecution in Russia

Berlin (dpa) - In response to the presidential elections in Russia, Germany’s President Frank-Walter Steinmeier recalled the victims of persecution there. “Today I am thinking of the people in Russia who fight for freedom and democracy but live in constant danger under Putin’s regime. We will not forget these brave individuals,” he said on Sunday. The Federal Foreign Office said, “These pseudo-elections in Russia are neither free nor fair. The outcome does not surprise anyone. Prior to this, Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of Alexei Navalny, the opponent of Putin who died suddenly in a Russian prison, had voted in the Russian embassy in Berlin. Addressing several hundred demonstrators, she said she had written in her husband’s name on the ballot paper. The elections are being criticised in Western countries as subject to manipulation and neither free nor fair. 


15.03.2024: Zelenskyy thanks Scholz for Germany’s support for Ukraine.

Kyiv (dpa/ – Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has thanked Germany’s Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz for German military aid. In a video message following a phone call with Scholz, Zelenskyy stressed the wide range of support. The President also referred to the reconstruction conference for Ukraine which is planned to take place in Berlin in June. Writing on X, Federal Chancellor Scholz said, “Our support for Ukraine is unwavering.” He went on to say that Germany would continue its support “in close coordination with our international partners.”


14.03.2024: EU states agree on further support for Ukraine

Brussels (dpa) – The EU states have agreed to continue their joint funding of military equipment for Ukraine. Under the agreement reached in Brussels, the supply of weapons, ammunition and other goods worth at least five billion euros will be guaranteed, according to information from the current Belgian EU Council Presidency and several diplomats. The German EU Ambassador Michael Clauß described the agreement as “good news for Ukraine,” saying that it would make possible the particularly quick and unbureaucratic bilateral supply of military equipment as part of the EU’s support for Ukraine.

In his evening video address meanwhile, the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy (photo) also focused on the prospect of his country joining the EU; it has been a candidate country for some months now. The goal was to begin the official accession negotiations in the first half of this year, he emphasised.


13.03.2024: More than 1,000 severely injured Ukrainians treated in Germany

Cologne (dpa) – Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression, more than 1,000 severely injured or sick Ukrainians have received medical treatment in Germany. The 1,000th patient was recently brought to Germany, and the figure has now reached 1,022. Besides 692 soldiers, the patients include civilians, some of whom are children, according to the Federal Interior Ministry and the Federal Health Ministry. German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser stressed that treating those affected was a human imperative. German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said that Germany was proud to have provided excellent care to so many severely injured Ukrainian soldiers. “That is recognised in Ukraine and will continue.


”12.03.2024: Minister Paus attends UN Commission on the Status of Women

Berlin ( - Lisa Paus, Germany’s minister for family affairs a.nd women, has travelled to New York to attend the 68th session of the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women, where she will be pushing for the economic equality of men and women. “Women all over the world should be able to take advantage of their human right to a self-determined life free from poverty and violence,” Paus declared in New York. She explained that the economic equality of women was particularly important in this context: “This is because economic independence is the basis for freedom, for self-determination and for security,” the minister said. The Commission on the Status of Women is the UN’s central advisory board in the area of equality and its second-largest standing conference. The Commission will be meeting from 11 to 22 March and will focus in particular on combating poverty.


08.03.2024: Germany condemns Houthi attack on cargo ship

Berlin ( – Germany’s Federal Foreign Office has condemned the Houthi attack on the cargo ship “True Confidence” off the coast of Yemen, which cost three people their lives, “in the strongest possible terms”. “The fact that, after numerous attacks, people have now been killed is a tragic consequence of the Houthis’ completely irresponsible actions,” said a ministry spokeswoman in Berlin. The violent Houthi attacks on civilian commercial vessels were contrary to international law and significantly impeded the safety of international navigation, she went on, explaining that Germany would “continue to help protect the freedom of navigation and the safety of shipping routes” as part of the EU’s Aspides operation.

The Islamist Houthi militia group in Yemen has targeted civilian commercial vessels repeatedly in recent months. By their own account, the Houthis are acting out of solidarity with the Islamist Hamas group in the Gaza Strip. One of the most important shipping routes for global trade passes by Yemen and is used by cargo ships wishing to sail from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean via the Suez Canal in Egypt. The EU has also launched a military mission to protect commercial shipping in the Red Sea, in which Germany is involved with the frigate «Hessen».


07.03.2024: Germany condemns Israeli construction approval in West Bank

Berlin (dpa) – The Federal Foreign Office has called on the Israeli government to immediately rescind its approval to build around 3,500 new homes in the occupied West Bank. “We unequivocally condemn the construction approval that has been issued for additional housing units in the West Bank,” reads a statement. “Israel’s policy of building settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories is a grave violation of applicable international law and undermines all endeavours with regard to a two-state solution,” the statement continued, adding that the expansion of settlements poses a threat to peace and security for all people throughout the region. “We condemn all forms of terrorist violence in the strongest possible terms. However, terrorism cannot be used as justification to advance illegal construction activities.”


06.03.2024: Germany’s Minister of Economic Affairs Robert Habeck visits the USA

Berlin (dpa) - Minister of Economic Affairs and Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck wants to use his multi-day visit to Washington, New York and Chicago to strengthen economic relations between Germany and the US. Meetings with business leaders and politicians will focus on current questions of business, energy and climate policy, particularly in light of current geopolitical crises, the ministry said. One aim of the visit is to accelerate collaboration on issues around future technologies.


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05.03.2024: Baerbock talks about EU enlargement during trip to Western Balkans

Sarajevo (dpa) – In Bosnia and Herzegovina, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is continuing her two-day trip of the Western Balkans. As in Montenegro yesterday, a central role in her talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic in the capital Sarajevo will be played by the country’s path of accession to the EU. Baerbock had stated at the start of her trip: “The faster we can become stronger as the European Union in these geopolitical times, the better.” Enlargement is not an end in itself, she said, but serves to strengthen Europe. As in Ukraine, “the European project is also a guarantor of freedom, democracy, rule of law and prosperity here in the Western Balkans,” the foreign minister said.


04.03.2024: Development Minister Schulze travels to Burkina Faso and Benin

Berlin/Ouagadougou (dpa) – During a trip to the West African countries of Burkina Faso and Benin, Germany’s Development Minister Svenja Schulze (photo) is promoting better cooperation with a view among other things to depriving terrorism of its breeding ground. She warned at the start of her trip against Islamist terror and Russian influence in the region. “The spread of terrorist groups and the growing Russian influence in the region have the potential to increasingly destabilise an entire region in Europe’s proximity,” Schulze explained. “By taking this trip I want to open up dialogue channels, listen and canvass for our positions.” 

The German development minister is the first European minister to visit Burkina Faso since the 2022 military coup led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré. She will then travel on to the neighbouring democratic coastal state of Benin, which is at risk of the violence spreading on its border. Schulze is also travelling in her capacity as president of the Sahel Alliance, which was established by Germany, France and the European Union to support the region’s states. 


01.03.2024: German government increases humanitarian assistance for Gaza 

Berlin (dpa) – In view of the suffering of the people in the Gaza Strip, the German government is increasing the humanitarian assistance for the sealed-off strip of coast by another 20 million euros. This was announced by Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock in Berlin. She added that that was not nearly enough, however, explaining that the number of lorries that are bringing vital food, medicines and other aid supplies to Gaza had fallen sharply in recent weeks. “That is not acceptable. The Israeli government must immediately ensure safe and unobstructed access for humanitarian assistance,” the minister demanded.


29.02.2023: Bundeswehr mission off Libyan coast to be extended

Berlin (dpa) – The German government has approved the extension of Germany’s participation in the EU’s EUNAVFOR Med Irini mission in the central Mediterranean by another year. Up to 300 soldiers are involved in the mission, which is aimed at enforcing the arms embargo imposed on Libya by the United Nations. The final decision will be taken by the Bundestag. The Bundeswehr is involved on the one hand in aerial surveillance of the sea, while supporting on the other hand the work of the operational headquarters in Rome. According to the German Defence Ministry, the EU mission has investigated around 13,000 ships since March 2020. 26 vessels have been inspected, three of which were found to be violating the arms embargo. 


28.02.2024: Germany planning security agreement with countries in South America

Lima/Brasília (dpa/ – Germany intends to intensify its security cooperation with South American countries in the fight against organised crime and drug trafficking. To this end, German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (photo) signed declarations of intent with Brazil and Peru during the first stops of her trip to South America. In the Peruvian capital Lima she agreed to begin negotiations on a security agreement. The goal of the two countries is comprehensive police cooperation. “We want to establish a security partnership from Germany to Peru so as to put a stop to criminal and unscrupulous networks,” explained Faeser. Previously, during talks in Brazil, the interior minister had agreed to intensify police cooperation in the fight against organised crime and drug trafficking. Greater deployment of joint investigation groups were at the heart of the agreement, she said. Besides Brazil and Peru, Faeser will also be visiting Ecuador and Colombia during her trip to South America. 


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26.02.2024: Germany boosts aid for reconstruction in Ukraine

Mykolaiv (dpa) - On the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Germany is boosting humanitarian to help rebuild the country. On a visit to the city of Mykolaiv in the south of Ukraine, Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said that Russia’s President Putin had wanted to “wear the country down, but we’re not going to let him do that, not militarily, not economically and not in humanitarian terms.” For this reason, the German government is ramping up humanitarian aid by around €100m to a total of €1 billion, Baerbock said. She said the money would be used to help people in Ukraine restore water supplies, repair hospitals and rebuild homes. The German government is planning an international reconstruction conference in Berlin in June.


23.02.2024: Baerbock sees G20 as engine for United Nations reforms

Rio de Janeiro (dpa) – Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock sees the G20 group of leading and emerging economic powers as an important engine for reform within international institutions such as the United Nations. “If we wish to overcome the complex challenges of the 21st century, our multilateral institutions cannot remain stuck in the previous century,” Baerbock said at a meeting of G20 foreign ministers in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. “I believe that the G20 can and must play a crucial role in this reform process.” One of the people Baerbock met with in Rio de Janeiro was US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (photo). 

The minister said that the G20 group reflected “pretty well the geopolitical diversity of today’s world”. She admitted that that sometimes made working in this format a challenge. “However, if we recognise what we have in common, we can be an engine for change, including in forums such as the United Nations.” Besides Germany, France and the USA, G20 members also include Russia and China. The group accounts for roughly 80 percent of global economic power and 60 percent of the world’s population. After the G20 meeting in Brazil, the German foreign minister travelled on to New York, where several United Nations events are planned to mark the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February. 


22.02.2022: Record number of applications for the recognition of foreign qualifications

Berlin ( – The number of applications for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications is continuing to rise, reports the German government. In 2022, there were nearly 49,500 applications for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications – more than ever before. 47 percent of the more than 52,000 applications that were processed in accordance with the Recognition Act in 2022 were recognised as fully equivalent, while 51 percent were found to be partially equivalent, which means that follow-up qualifications or knowledge tests are necessary. Only two percent were not recognised. The Recognition Act regulates the recognition of foreign qualifications for more than 600 professions under federal responsibility. 


21.02.2023:  Scholz: Will defend every square metre of alliance territory 

Hamburg (dpa) – At the traditional Matthiae-Mahl dinner at Hamburg’s city hall, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has stressed NATO’s cohesion and willingness to defend itself. Addressing Estonia’s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, who like him had been invited to the ceremonial dinner as a guest of honour, he said that Germany stood firmly by the side of the Baltic States. “Your security – the security of Estonia and the Baltic – is also our security,” he said.

The EU has approved new sanctions on Russia to mark the second anniversary of the war in Ukraine. Among other things, representatives of the 27 member states agreed to considerably extend the list of individuals and entities whose assets will have to be frozen. 


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20.02.2024: EU Red Sea naval mission launched with German participation

Brussels/Berlin (dpa) – Germany and other EU states have officially launched their military mission to secure merchant shipping in the Red Sea and neighbouring maritime areas. The foreign ministers of the 27 member states decided to send European warships to the region in order to protect merchant vessels there against attacks by the militant Islamist Houthi group from Yemen. Germany is taking part in the operation with the frigate “Hessen”. Germany’s Defence Minister Boris Pistorius (photo) described the mission as a “very important signal” to the attacking Houthis and the organisations and states behind them. He said that the West, in so doing, showed: “We will protect the international safety and freedom of navigation. The impact of this cannot be underestimated,” he said on German television channel ZDF. 


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19.02.2023: Scholz calls on Israel to comply with international law 

Munich (dpa) – German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has used unusually clear language to call on Israel to comply with international humanitarian law in view of a planned ground offensive against the Islamist Hamas group in Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip. “We obey international law and the rules not only because we subscribed to some agreements globally. It is something which comes out of our perspective of humankind and how we want to be and how we want to see ourselves,” he said at the Munich Security Conference. At the same time, the chancellor reiterated the call for a two-state solution, that is to say an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel. 


15.02.2024: Ongoing commitment to freedom in Belarus

Berlin ( – Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and the Belarusian civil rights activist and opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya (photo) are committed to freedom in Belarus. “As different as our stories are, we are united by a clear conviction – that every human being has the right to be free. That it is not a crime to take to the streets to express one’s opinion. And that every society should be able to choose by whom it is governed,” Baerbock and Tsikhanouskaya wrote in a joint guest essay in the German daily newspaper “Welt”. It is for this freedom that the people in Belarus took to the streets in 2020, the two politicians wrote, adding that they would “not give up the hope of a free, independent Belarus”.


15.02.2024: Preparations for Ukraine Recovery Conference

Kyiv ( – In Kyiv, representatives of Germany and Ukraine have held talks on the next steps in the international support of Ukraine. The central focus was the Recovery Conference that is scheduled to take place in Berlin in June.  In hosting the conference, the German government was underlining its “reliable, comprehensive and lasting commitment to Ukraine,” explained Thomas Bagger, state secretary at the Federal Foreign Office. Jochen Flasbarth, state secretary at the Development Ministry, stressed the importance of efficiently coordinating the international assistance. 


14.02.2024: Germany and Poland to cooperate on reconstruction of Ukraine

Berlin ( – The German and Polish governments plan to cooperate more closely in the area of development policy – specifically on the reconstruction of Ukraine. This was agreed by State Secretary for Development Jochen Flasbarth during talks in Warsaw. The joint priorities for the immediate future are to support the reconstruction of Ukraine, as well as strategic development policy objectives such as food security, energy and environmental policy, education and health, according to a German Development Ministry statement. “The German and Polish governments are united by their conviction that the challenges of our time can only be overcome through international cooperation. This includes the reconstruction of Ukraine,” explained State Secretary Flasbarth. At the beginning of this week, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz had received Poland’s new Prime Minister Donald Tusk (photo) in Berlin.


13.02.2024: Lindner wants to link Germany better with Great Britain and Ireland

Great Britain and Ireland ( – During his trip to England and Ireland on Monday and Tuesday, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner is keen to promote greater cooperation. Lindner met with his counterpart Jeremy Hunt in London and gave a speech at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He wants to deepen business relations with Great Britain and to campaign for less bureaucracy between the EU and its former member. Lindner will be holding talks with Eurogroup President Paschal Donohoe in Dublin to discuss the new debt regulations in Europe.


12.02.2024: Cooperation with Algeria on production of green hydrogen

Algiers/Berlin (dpa) – Germany and Algeria have set up a hydrogen task force to step up their future cooperation on the production of green hydrogen. To this end, German Economics Minister Robert Habeck signed a declaration of intent for future hydrogen shipments from Algeria to Germany. Habeck explained that the two countries had maintained a close energy partnership since 2015. “We now want to expand this and encourage Algeria to produce more green hydrogen in the future, to invest more in solar and wind energy to this end and thereby to create new added value for itself.” The German government plans to support this with know-how and technical expertise. “Germany and the EU are ready as potential buyers of green hydrogen,” explained Habeck.


09.02.2024: German frigate sets sail on planned mission to combat Houthi attacks

Wilhelmshaven/Berlin (dpa) - The German frigate “Hessen” has set sail to join a planned EU military mission in the Red Sea intended to protect merchant vessels against attacks by the militant-Islamist Houthi group there. With around 240 soldiers on board, the ship left Germany’s largest naval base in Wilhelmshaven. It is specially designed for escorting vessels and for sea space control. By relocating its warship, the Bundeswehr – the German armed forces – wants to make it possible for Germany to participate in the EU mission to protect merchant shipping. 

The Bundestag has yet to issue a mandate – this is expected to happen during the course of February. In view of the risks posed by the Houthi, large shipping companies are increasingly avoiding the shortest sea route between Asia and Europe through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. The formal decision to launch the EU mission is to be taken at a meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels on 19 February. 


08.02.2024: German Chancellor Scholz travels to the USA

Berlin/Washington (dpa) – German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is travelling to the USA for the third time since taking office a good two years ago. He will be meeting with US President Joe Biden at the White House in Washington. They are likely to discuss the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the Middle East conflict and the NATO summit in July. The alliance is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. Ahead of his talks with US President Biden, Scholz will meet with several members of Congress and American businesspeople. The trip will also be overshadowed by the US presidential elections in November, in which Biden plans to run again. The former US President Donald Trump is considered a probable challenger. 


07.02.2024: Minister Schulze at opening of migration centre in Nigeria

Berlin ( – During her visit to Nigeria, German Development Minister Svenja Schulze has opened a new migration advice centre in Nyanya, together with Minister of State Nkeiruka Onyejeocha from the Nigerian Ministry of Labour. With the support of German development cooperation, the centre will advise people about job opportunities on the German and Nigerian labour markets and the necessary training measures, as well as about the risks of irregular migration. In addition, the centre will support returnees starting new jobs in their home country. The advice centres are independently run by Nigeria, with support provided by the BMZ flagship initiative “Centres for Migration and Development”.


07.02.2024: Defence Minister Pistorius in Serbia for talks

Berlin ( German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius has visited Serbia, the last stop on his tour of the Balkans. After visiting the EU’s Eufor mission, bilateral talks with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic were scheduled. Previously, he had held political talks in Kosovo and in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


06.02.2024: Defence Minister Pistorius assures Kosovo of support

Pristina (dpa) – Defence Minister Boris Pistorius has assured Kosovo of Germany’s ongoing military support following the tensions with Serbia. At a meeting with President Vjosa Osmani, Pistorius said that the Federal Armed Forces would be sending a unit of 150 additional soldiers in April. At the same time, he called on Serbs and Albanians to seek progress on the way to EU membership through negotiations. Around 90 members of the Federal Armed Forces are currently deployed with KFOR and the NATO Advisory and Liaison Team (NALT). Anna Lührmann, Minister of State at the Foreign Ministry, is also visiting the Western Balkans: she is travelling to Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


06.02.2024: Development Minister Schulze attends ECOWAS talks in Nigeria

Berlin (dpa) – Development Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) is engaged in direct talks with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) following the withdrawal of the coup-controlled states of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger from the alliance. She is visiting ECOWAS Commission President Omar Touray in Nigeria.


05.02.2024: Human Rights Commissioner Amtsberg travels to the Middle East

Berlin ( – Calling for “substantial humanitarian ceasefires”, the Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights, Luise Amtsberg, is visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories. Israelis and Palestinians had had to endure “immeasurable suffering” for almost four months, said Amtsberg. In the course of her trip, she said, she would also be talking to civil society actors seeking to facilitate peaceful coexistence. It was more important than ever to “strengthen those on the ground who are working for peace”, Amtsberg said, adding that in order to achieve sustainable peace, two sovereign states were required where citizens could live in security and dignity.


02.02.2024: EU agrees on €50 billion aid package for Ukraine

Brussels (dpa) – German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the EU special summit in Brussels. Speaking on Thursday in Brussels, he said that the fact that the 27 member states had paved the way for billions in new aid to be provided to Ukraine was a good message for the European Union and a good message for Ukraine. “That was a very successful summit.”

Beforehand, EU leaders had paved the way for new aid after this had been blocked for weeks by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The financial assistance, worth around €50 billion, is intended to ensure that the Ukrainian state will not bankrupt itself despite the enormous costs of defending itself against the Russian war of aggression.


01.02.2024: Interior minister attends “Women in Law Enforcement” conference

Berlin ( – German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser is taking part in an international conference on “Women in Law Enforcement” initiated by the Lithuanian Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė in Vilnius. Despite many efforts to achieve greater gender equality, the security and law enforcement agencies remain dominated by men. At the conference, Faeser plans to join her European counterparts, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson and representatives of Europol and other organisations in a discussion of how to enable more women to reach leadership positions. Promoting and strengthening the careers of women in internal security is very important to Faeser.


31.01.2024: Germany and Poland intend to cooperate more closely

Berlin/Warsaw (dpa) – Following the change in government in Warsaw, Germany and Poland intend to breathe new life into their cooperation. “A strong Europe, whose centre will continue to move eastwards in the next few years, needs more than ever a vibrant German-Polish friendship and deep trust between Warsaw and Berlin,” Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said after a meeting with the new Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski.

Sikorski said: “Relations based on a partnership between democratic Germany and Poland should be restored.” In future, controversial issues should also be addressed “constructively, and above all without confrontational rhetoric,” he added.


30/01/2024: Corvette Oldenburg returns from UN Mission

Following her deployment to the UN mission off the coast of Lebanon, the corvette Oldenburg has returned to her home port of Warnemünde. The operation lasted 170 days and also included the NATO support mission in the Aegean. UNIFIL, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, has been supporting the Lebanese government since 1978 to promote security on its sea borders and prevent arms smuggling. The mission is one of the longest-running UN peacekeeping missions. The frigate Baden-Württemberg is currently on deployment with UNIFIL.


30/01/2024: Federal Chancellor Scholz holds talks with Egypt’s President el-Sisi

Berlin ( - Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz has held talks with the President of Egypt, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to discuss the conflict between Israel and Hamas. In a phone call, Scholz and el-Sisi agreed there was an urgent need to improve access for humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, supplies to Palestinians and protection for civilians. Scholz reaffirmed that the Federal Government’s would welcome a two-state solution for the region. He thanked el-Sisi for Egypt’s important role as a mediator.


29.01.2024: In Jordan, Baerbock discusses situation in Middle East conflict

Amman (dpa) – Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has discussed the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, as well as prospects following the end of the war, with her Jordanian counterpart Aiman al-Safadi. According to the Jordanian news agency Petra, Baerbock said that Israelis and Palestinians could only live together in peace if the security of both sides were “inextricably linked”. The minister had made the stop in Jordan on the way back from a three-day trip to East Africa. Germany is currently providing Jordan with medicines and medical supplies worth 400,000 euros for the needy in the Gaza Strip.


26/01/2024: Development Minister holds talks in Morocco on skilled worker migration

Rabat ( -Germany’s Development Minister Svenja Schulze is using a visit to Morocco to promote cooperation on skilled worker migration with the North African country. Schulze said that Morocco was a close partner which wanted to give its young and well educated population good career prospects. “Together we want to explore how we can work together more closely to organise advantages for Germany, Morocco and for the migrants themselves,” she said, stressing the central role played by Centres for Migration and Development. Schulze explained that their role continued to include helping people returning from Germany to make a fresh start. “In addition to this, they will also advise potential skilled workers on the occupations in demand in the German labour market, and what the entry requirements are.”


25/01/2024: Scholz and Zelenskiy plan to sign security agreement “soon”

Berlin (dpa) - Germany and Ukraine are planning to conclude a bilateral security and support agreement “soon”. This was agreed by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in a phone call, according to Government Spokesperson Steffen Hebestreit. During the conversation Zelenskiy thanked Germany’s Federal Government for its military support, particularly around strengthening Ukraine’s air defences. Scholz assured Ukraine of Germany’s lasting and unshakeable support in the face of Russia’s continued aggression. Germany will maintain its military and wider support for Ukraine in close consultation with European and international partners.


24/01/2024 : Baerbock calls for negotiations to end power struggle in Sudan

Berlin/Djibouti (dpa) – Germany’s Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has called for increased efforts to negotiate a peaceful settlement to the bloody power struggle in Sudan. Ahead of a visit to East Africa, Baerbock said she planned to speak to partners there to explore ways of getting the two warring generals in Sudan “to the negotiating table at last to stop them pulling people in Sudan deeper into the abyss and further destabilising the region.” Baerbock’s itinerary includes visiting Djibouti, Kenya and South Sudan.

Fighting has been going on in Sudan since April 2023, as the de-facto head of state Abdel Fattah al-Burhan struggles for power against his former deputy Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, who commands the Rapid Support Forces militia. According to UN figures, almost 7.5 million people have become refugees since the conflict began. Federal Foreign Minister Baerbock demanded that “We must increase pressure on both sides, through sanctions, by holding them to account for their crimes against the civilian population, and by using our influence on their supporters abroad.” She also emphasised that countries in the region, the IGAD trade bloc in the region, and the African Union all have a central part to play in the international efforts to bring about negotiations.


23/01/2024: State visit of Federal President Steinmeier to Vietnam

Hanoi (dpa) - Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has arrived in Vietnam for a two-day state visit. He plans to start the visit by taking part in an event in the capital Hanoi to recruit skilled workers. After this he is expected to meet President Vo Van Tthuong. The topic of skilled workers is an important one for German businesses, which are suffering from a shortage of employees. For this reason, Steinmeier is accompanied by Federal Employment Minister Hubertus Heil and a business delegation. After visiting Vietnam, Steinmeier will fly on to Thailand.


23/01/2024: Justice Minister Buschmann travels to Estonia and Poland.

Tallinn ( - Justice Minister Marco Buschmann is visiting Estonia and Poland. After discussions in Tallinn he will be the first member of Germany’s Federal Government to meet a member of the new government in Warsaw, where he will congratulate his counterpart Adam Bodnar in person on his appointment. Later Buschmann will lay wreaths at the memorial to the Heroes of the Ghetto Uprising and the memorial to the Warsaw Uprising.


22.01.2024: Interior minister wants to intensify international fight against drug trafficking

Berlin (dpa) – Germany’s Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has announced that she will push to intensify the fight against international drug trafficking. “The ports in the Netherlands, Belgium and France are currently affected to an even greater extent by international drug smuggling,” Faeser said in an interview. She said that in Germany it was above all the port of Hamburg that was the focus of drug trafficking. “I therefore want to achieve tougher and internationally coordinated action to combat trade in cocaine and other drugs.” Faeser announced that she would soon be travelling to South America “to get our police forces to work directly together”. “Brazil in particular is a key partner for us in the fight against drug smuggling. I want to also establish this good cooperation with the interior ministries in countries such as Peru and Colombia.”


19.01.2024: Global Forum for Food and Agriculture wants to facilitate “international exchange of ideas”

Berlin ( – This year, the 16th Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) that has now opened in Berlin is all about “Food Systems for Our Future: Joining Forces for a Zero Hunger World”. Around 2,000 international guests from the areas of politics, business, science and civil society are expected to attend the conference, which is hosted by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. “Nearly one person in ten on this planet is suffering from hunger. The international community has made a promise to end global hunger – and we must keep that promise,” explained Parliamentary State Secretary Claudia Müller. She believes that this requires an “international exchange of ideas”. To this end, the GFFA is to build the necessary bridges.

The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture takes place at the same time as the agricultural fair International Green Week, which this year will feature around 1,400 exhibitors from 60 countries. Fair organiser Messe Berlin is expecting more than 300,000 visitors.


18.01.2023: Habeck backs German investments in Ukraine

Davos (dpa) – German Economics Minister Robert Habeck is supporting investments by German companies in Ukraine. As he explained at the World Economic Forum in Davos, the German government is providing investment guarantees, despite the war, that protect companies in much the same way as insurance. Ahead of a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Habeck stressed that the guarantees were “a tremendously successful step which shows that we believe and trust that Ukraine will successfully survive this difficult situation, but also that German companies will invest in Ukraine”. He said that he was planning in Davos to encourage other states to use this instrument too.


17.01.2024: Scholz and Biden speak on phone about Ukraine and Middle East

Berlin/Washington (dpa/ – According to their respective governments, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and US President Joe Biden have spoken on the phone to discuss the ongoing support for Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East. As Scholz wrote afterwards on the short messaging service X, they were in agreement: “We want to continue to provide Ukraine with financial, humanitarian and military support”. He also wrote that Germany will be providing more than seven billion euros in military goods in 2024. For nearly two years, Ukraine has been defending itself against the Russian invasion with the support of the West.


16.01.2024: Hamburg Sustainability Conference to take place on 7 and 8 October

Berlin ( – The first Hamburg Sustainability Conference will take place on 7 and 8 October 2024. The conference will be entitled “A New Era for Sustainability Alliances - The global meeting for a better world”. Following the UN Summit of the Future scheduled to take place in New York in September, the October dates make the conference ideally suited to bridging the gap between the political sustainability goals at UN level and their practical implementation.

The conference will be held at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, announced the initiators – the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the Michael Otto Foundation.


15.01.2024: Baerbock: urgent talks on EU mission in the Red Sea

Berlin (dpa) – Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is hoping for a quick agreement on an EU mission to protect merchant ships in the Red Sea. During the inaugural visit of the new French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné to Berlin, she said that negotiations on an EU mandate were being held as a matter of urgency. “And we very much hope to arrive at a conclusion as quickly as possible.” Since the outbreak of the Gaza war, Houthi rebels supported by Iran have repeatedly attacked ships in the Red Sea which are alleged to be linked to Israel. Major shipping companies are increasingly avoiding the route.

Baerbock said the rebel attacks were causing significant disruption to shipping. The Federal Government had clearly conveyed that the maritime operation in the Red Sea was “important and pivotal”, said the Minister, adding that it was vital for the European Union to be involved. The Federal Government was advocating a mandate for a joint operation, said Baerbock.


12.01.2024: Vice Chancellor Habeck calls for protection of civilians in Gaza

Jerusalem (dpa) – During a visit to Israel, Germany’s Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck has appealed for more to be done to protect civilians in the Gaza Strip. “I call upon the Israeli government to avoid casualties, civilian casualties, in its fight against Hamas, and to guarantee humanitarian aid, medicines, food for the people, especially in such weather,” Habeck said after a meeting with his Israeli counterpart Nir Barkat in Jerusalem. He also said that epidemics now threatened to spread in the Gaza Strip, and that winning the war must not lead to the loss of the chance for peace. Habeck said that for him it was about Israel’s security, and stressed the country’s right to defend itself, adding that this included victory over Hamas.

The vice chancellor also spoke out against South Africa’s accusation that Israel is committing genocide in the way it is proceeding in the Gaza war. During a visit to the Israeli town of Sderot, just a few kilometres from the Gaza Strip, he said that he had every empathy with people who were suffering in the Gaza Strip and losing families and children “because of this terrible conflict”. Israel knows that things cannot continue like this, he said in reference to the approach being followed by the armed forces. “But genocide is something different, it is the specific intention to eradicate ethnic groups or religious communities.”


11.01.2024: Germany wants to strengthen relations with partners in Southeast Asia

Manila (dpa) – During a trip to Southeast Asia, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock intends to strengthen relations with partners there. She is first visiting the Philippine capital Manila. After the Philippines, her trip will include stops in Malaysia and Singapore. Baerbock stressed the region’s economic importance. Despite being more than 10,000 kilometres away, “the economic momentum in Southeast Asia and the strategic significance of this region” can be felt as far as Europe, the foreign minister said.

She emphasised that Germany was not only connected to Southeast Asia through close economic ties. “We are also united by our common stance on the need for clear rules in interactions between states”. In this context, she criticised the fact that these rules in the South China Sea were coming under increasing pressure, for example because “China is adopting an ever more aggressive stance, claiming extensive maritime areas”. Against this background, she urged how important it was “to maintain a clear focus on international law”.


10.01.2024: Economics Minister sees great potential for hydrogen production in Oman

Muscat (dpa) – Germany’s Economics Minister Robert Habeck has great hopes for the Gulf state of Oman as a future hydrogen producer. “The potential to become a partner here, in terms of the planning process, the installation of solar energy, electrolysis and the purchase of green hydrogen, is huge,” the minister said during a visit to the capital Muscat. Oman wants to push forward the production of hydrogen, which it is hoped will facilitate the energy transition and, among other things, will help store electricity in future. Hydrogen is considered “green”, i.e. climate-friendly, when it is produced using renewable energies.

Oman is “hell-bent on transforming itself. There can be no doubt about that,” Habeck said following talks with Energy Minister Salim al-Aufi and head of state Sultan Haitham bin Tarik. He explained that the country, which has only a fraction of the population of Germany despite covering a similar area, had reserved an area roughly the size of Bavaria for the expansion of renewable energies.


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09.01.2024: Economics Minister Habeck sets off on Middle East trip

Berlin (dpa) – During a trip to several Middle Eastern countries, Germany’s Economics Minister Robert Habeck plans to support the dialogue process in view of the Gaza war. “There must be peace again. The Palestinian population needs a clear prospect of a two-state solution,” Habeck said before departing for Oman. “Israel needs protection and has the right to defend itself. But above all the killing must now stop,” he demanded. After Oman, Habeck also intends to visit Saudi Arabia, Israel and the West Bank.


08.01.2024: International research expedition on the future of the ocean

Kiel ( – An international research expedition has started in the eastern Mediterranean led by the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel with the aim of obtaining information on future changes in the world’s oceans. The research vessel METEOR set off from Cyprus on a more than four-week voyage through the eastern Mediterranean. According to the Helmholtz Centre, this ocean basin is undergoing rapid change since it is particularly affected by climate change and human activity. Investigations are to be carried out from the seabed to the surface with the aim of obtaining information on what these changes look like and what the consequences will be for the ecosystems of the tropical and subtropical ocean in the future. 28 scientists from twelve countries are taking part in the expedition, including staff from GEOMAR in Kiel, the University of Haifa and the Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Institute, the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute, the Marine Biological Laboratory and the University of Chicago in the US, and Xiamen University in China.


05.01.2024: New armaments package for Ukraine

Berlin (dpa/ – Germany has delivered a first package of military equipment to Ukraine in 2024. The aid package included ammunition for the medium-range variant of the IRIS-T air defence system and a Skynex short-range air defence system, the Federal Government announced. Ukraine also received ten Marder infantry fighting vehicles, ten heavy trucks, two additional WiSENT mine-clearing armoured vehicles and another Biber armoured vehicle for bridge-laying. The package also included ammunition, protective equipment and winter camouflage. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy thanked Germany and in particular Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz. “German support is helping to save lives,” he wrote on the social network X, adding that this would make it possible to achieve a just peace for Ukraine and Europe more quickly.


04.01.2024: Germany and allies warn Houthi

Berlin ( – Germany has joined the governments of the United States, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand and the United Kingdom in condemning the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea as “illegal, unacceptable and deeply destabilising”. The attacks “threaten the lives of innocent people around the world and pose a significant international problem that requires collective action”, the statement continues. The states warn the Yemeni Houthi against carrying out further attacks: “We remain committed to the rules-based international order and are determined to hold malicious actors accountable for unlawful seizures and attacks.”


02.01.2024: Germany sets out priorities for its foreign policy in 2024

Berlin ( – At the start of the new year, the Foreign Ministry has set out the priorities of its policy for 2024. In addition to specific issues, Germany is fundamentally committed to shaping a just global order based on the rule of law. Cooperation with partners in Asia, Africa and Latin America is consistently geared towards joint action. German policy is embedded in strong partnerships in the EU, NATO, G7 and G20.

Together with its partners, Germany will continue to vigorously support Ukraine in its fight against the Russian war of aggression. This winter, Russia is once again deliberately bombing civilian infrastructure in order to deprive people of their livelihoods. For this reason, the Federal Government is supporting the country with a winter package and will be doubling military aid to 8 billion euros. Germany is set to host the Ukraine Reconstruction and Recovery Conference in June.

The key to peace in the Middle East lies in a negotiated two-state solution: this is the only way to ensure that Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace and security in the long term. The terrorist attack by Hamas has inflicted untold suffering on Israel. Alongside the fate of the hostages at the hands of Hamas, it is the terrible suffering of the people in Gaza that is now dominating the headlines. For this reason, Germany is actively advocating a humanitarian pause in the fighting, as well as seeking dialogue with its Arab partners. Qatar and Egypt have shown themselves to be indispensable mediators, while Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia likewise have a key role to play.

NATO is a central pillar of German security and defence policy. Finland recently joined the alliance in April 2023, with Sweden due to follow this year. 2024 sees the 75th anniversary of NATO, which is to be celebrated with an “anniversary summit” of heads of state and government in Washington in June.

Meanwhile COP29 in Baku will be a key milestone in the fight against the climate crisis. Implementation of the COP28 resolutions – in particular the first-ever agreement to phase out fossil fuels – will shape the path to COP29 in Azerbaijan in December 2024.

Humanitarian aid remains a central concern of German foreign policy, also in connection with crises that are not in the international spotlight. As an active contributor to the humanitarian system, Germany remains a donor to the UN and to international and national organisations that are committed to humanitarian principles.


29.12.2023: Germany and other countries condemn uranium enrichment in Iran

Washington (dpa) – Germany , France, the UK and the USA have condemned the recent increase in uranium enrichment in Iran. According to a statement issued by the US State Department, the decision shows that Iran lacks the good will to de-escalate, also noting that such action is irresponsible given the tense situation in the region. “We urge Iran to reverse these steps immediately and de-escalate its nuclear programme,” the statement continues.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) previously stated that, according to its findings, Iran had ramped up the production of highly enriched uranium. Iran denied this. Meanwhile the statement by the four states says that according to IAEA data, Iran has tripled its monthly production, adding that there is no credible civilian justification for such production and that the reported levels of production also harbour considerable risks. For years, Iranian politicians have stated clearly that they do not wish to build nuclear weapons. A nuclear bomb requires uranium enrichment of at least 80 percent.


27.12.2023: Germany identifies suspected Russian soldiers

Berlin (dpa) – The suspects in the first German investigation into a war crime in Ukraine have been identified. “The suspected shooters and officers responsible have been identified,” said Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann. Initiated in mid-July, the proceedings concern targeted shots fired by members of the Russian armed forces at fleeing civilians, including a person with German citizenship. “If we catch the perpetrators, we will press charges,” said Buschmann. Otherwise Germany would make the evidence available to other states such as Ukraine, said Buschmann. In the case of war crimes and other serious offences, convictions in absentia are not possible under German criminal procedure law.


22/12/2023: Development Ministry publishes Gender Action Plan

Berlin ( - At the beginning of the year Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze presented Germany’s feminist development cooperation strategy. By 2025 the aim is for 93% of newly approved project funding to be awarded to projects which contribute to gender equality. Now the ministry has published its Gender Action Plan which is aimed at monitoring progress in the strategy. The strategy aims to strengthen the rights, resources and representation (known as the “3 R’s”) of women and marginalised groups. Development Minister Svenja Schulze said, “For me feminist development policy is a question of justice. Women and girls make up half of the world’s population. They should hold half of the power.”


21.12.2023: German support for energy supplies in Ukraine

Berlin ( – Germany’s Federal Government is providing a winter package for Ukraine worth just under €90m for an energy support fund. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and the Federal Foreign Office are contributing a further €88.5m to the fund. According to the two ministries, Ukraine is expected to use the support fund to purchase energy infrastructure, replacement parts and equipment such as transformers and generators which will help maintain energy supplies in Ukraine.

At the end of last year the Federal Government paid €129.5m into the Energy Support Fund, so this year’s payment brings Germany’s total contribution to €218m. Germany remains by far the biggest donor to the fund, which has collected around €400m since February 2022. The contributions to the Energy Support Fund are part of this year's Federal Government Winter Package of support to Ukraine, worth over €1.6 billion and includes military support for air defences, development policy support and humanitarian aid.


19.12.2023: German Defence Minister Pistorius visits Niger

Niamey (dpa) – Four and a half months after the military coup in Niger, German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius is the first member of the German government to travel to the West African country for talks. Pistorius plans to meet with the Nigerien General Salifou Modi, who became the head of his country’s defence ministry following the coup. Pistorius will also be visiting the more than 100 German soldiers stationed at the Bundeswehr’s air base on the outskirts of Niamey.


18.12.2023: Bundeswehr flies aid to Egypt for patients from Gaza

Wunstorf (dpa) – Germany’s Armed Forces, the Bundeswehr, flew medical aid supplies to Egypt for patients from Gaza on Saturday. A Luftwaffe (Air Force) Airbus A400M commissioned by the German government transported the aid from Wunstorf Air Base in Lower Saxony to Cairo, where it is needed to treat people from the Gaza Strip. According to the Luftwaffe, 7.6 tons of equipment on a total of nine pallets were on board – above all ventilators and incubators for babies, as well as patient monitors. According to information from the German Press Agency, the aid shipment transported by the Luftwaffe on behalf of the Federal Foreign Office was worth around 1.4 million euros. Further Bundeswehr flights in cooperation with the EU’s humanitarian airlift are to follow.


15.12.2023: Second German Patriot air defence system in Ukraine

Berlin/Kyiv (dpa) – As promised, Ukraine has received a second Patriot air defence system from Germany before the end of the year. Missiles for the Patriot were also sent with it, the German government announced in its list of military assistance for the country under attack from Russia. According to the updated list, Ukraine also received another nine Bandvagn tracked all-terrain vehicles and 7,390 rounds of 155 mm artillery shells. Germany has also sent three more mobile remote-controlled mine clearing systems and eight tankers. Germany has played an important part in ensuring that Ukraine is now better protected against Russian air strikes involving rockets, cruise missiles and drones. Besides the Patriots, the Iris-T systems and Gepard anti-aircraft guns have proven very effective.


14.12.2023: German government supports refugees in poorer host countries

Geneva (dpa) – The German government is committed to supporting refugees in poorer host countries. Development Minister Svenja Schulze has called for improved opportunities for work and education, saying at the start of the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva that children must be able to attend school. She explained that the German government has among other things funded education projects that are benefitting 500,000 children from Syria and from the neighbouring countries in which they had sought refuge.

According to UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi, 114 million people around the world are fleeing from conflicts and violence. Three quarters of those displaced beyond the borders of their home country have found refuge in neighbouring countries that for the most part are poorer. Grandi is hosting the Forum in Geneva, which is being attended by around 3,000 government and civil society representatives. The event’s goals are to find lasting solutions for refugees, assistance for host countries, better integration opportunities and ways to successfully combat the root causes of displacement. The Forum is taking place for the second time since 2019.


13.12.2023: New strategy for development cooperation with Asian partners

Berlin ( – Germany’s Development Ministry (BMZ) is placing its cooperation with the countries of Asia on a new footing. Its strategy lays down five cornerstones for the future alignment of development cooperation with Asian partner countries:

1. feminist development policy,

2. promoting climate-compatible development,

3. good work – strengthening “green jobs”,

4. strengthening social protection systems,

5. preserving biodiversity.

Talking about the new strategy, Development Minister Svenja Schulze said: “No relevant global problem can be resolved without cooperating with the Asian countries. This applies especially to climate change, which is hitting Asian countries with particular force. Our goal is to jointly shape an ecologically sustainable and socially just transition.” Germany has been closely tied to Asia in development cooperation for decades. Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Cambodia, Laos and Mongolia are bilateral partner countries. The BMZ works with India, Vietnam and Indonesia on solving global issues of future relevance. China and Germany work together on the basis that they are two development cooperation donor countries whose standards and objectives differ greatly in some cases.


12.12.2023: Germany and EU push for binding COP28 declaration

Berlin ( At the COP28 climate conference, more than 100 countries in total – including Germany, the EU, the group of island nations and other countries – want the phase-out of coal, oil and gas to be defined as a target in the battle against climate change. For this reason, the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai has been extended on Tuesday, as expected. Originally, the meeting of nearly 200 states and many NGOs was scheduled to end in the morning, but the wrangling over an acceptable final declaration has led to the conference being extended for an initially undefined period.

“The current proposal is disappointing” is how the German foreign ministry described the first draft of the final declaration, commenting that key elements were unacceptable to the European Union. The draft lacked the necessary instruments to implement it in order to achieve the UN’s 1.5 degree target, the statement added.


11.12.2023: Prize for Human Rights awarded

Berlin ( On Human Rights Day (10 December), the foreign ministers of Germany and France, Annalena Baerbock and Catherine Colonna, announced this year’s twelve winners of the Franco-German Prize for Human Rights and the Rule of Law. The prize-winners are at the helm of non-governmental organisations, work as journalists or, as activists, defend the inalienable rights of every human being. They stand up for those whose voices would otherwise often not be heard: women, refugees, members of the LSBTIQ+ community or detainees. They fight for justice, political participation and unbiased reporting in the media. They come from all parts of the world and often risk their freedom, and frequently even their lives.

Since 2016, France and Germany have taken Human Rights Day as an opportunity to jointly honour individuals worldwide who show outstanding commitment to the cause of human rights.


08/12/2023: German police officers back at work in UN South Sudan mission

Berlin ( - German federal and state police officers are returning to South Sudan to help make the country more peaceful and secure. Germany’s Federal Government has approved the deployment of these officers with the United Nations UNMISS mission. German police officers were withdrawn from the mission in 2016, but they can once again be deployed to the UN Mission in South Sudan.

In this Germany wants to make a wide-ranging and long-term contribution to ending the conflict and stabilising South Sudan. It also aims to improve humanitarian conditions there. Germany is particularly alert to the need to protect civilians, especially women and children. In addition to the police officers, up to 50 German troops are on deployment with UNMISS in coordinating roles and as military observers.


07/12/2023: Baerbock arrives to lead German negotiating team at COP28

Berlin ( – Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock will take the lead role in Germany’s negotiating team in the final stages of the COP28 climate conference in Dubai. The international community aims to agree concrete steps there by 12 December to combat the climate crisis. Baerbock said she was optimistic: “Unlike all other global climate conferences, COP28 has come out of the starting blocks well,” she said. “Instead of spending ages arguing about the agenda, we worked with others to help set up the fund for climate damage and losses right on day one. That doesn’t just show that tenacious climate diplomacy pays off when you stick at it and forge alliances. Through the fund we’re also extending a helping hand to the countries which have been hit hard, those which can do least about the climate crisis but which are suffering most from its effects.”

Containing the climate crisis is a top priority for the Federal Government. On the very first day of the conference Germany and the United Arab Emirates were the first countries to donate to the Loss and Damage Fund, each paying in $100m. Other countries followed suit and only a few days later there is over €700m in the fund. Baerbock said: “The new alliances which we are forging across continents and living conditions are setting the geopolitical game in motion. If we go about it the right way we will not only boost climate protection but also give confidence back to a world in which multilateralism delivers results.”


06/12/2023: Human Rights Special Commissioner travels to Middle East

Berlin ( - Germany’s Special Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid at the Federal Foreign Office, Luise Amtsberg, is travelling to Israel, the Palestinian territories and Jordan. Amtsberg said, “the aim of this trip is to speak to stakeholders from civil society and politics, above all to listen attentively to them and understand their perspectives on the present situation, and their view of what needs to happen for a peaceful future for all. In times such as these what matters is creating and protecting spaces to speak for all involved.” She condemned the “brutal terrorist attacks by Hamas” on Israel and stressed its right to protect its population against terror attacks. At the same time she emphasised that for Israel “fighting Hamas must go hand-in-hand with protecting the civilian population in Gaza.” In all her talks Amtsberg pledged to put a “special focus on access to humanitarian aid in Gaza.”


05/12/2023: Brazil and Germany to work more closely in future

Berlin (dpa/ - Germany and Brazil plan to work together to push for a swift conclusion to negotiations over a free trade agreement between the EU and Mercosur, the South American trading bloc. “We are making every effort to get the agreement signed off quickly,” said Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz after German-Brazilian governmental consultations in which he met the Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The two countries issued a joint statement of intent on “the partnership for a socially just and environmentally friendly transformation.” The talks took place under the motto of “Brazil and Germany: strong partners for progress and sustainability”. Key issues on the agenda included economic cooperation, renewable energy, environmental and climate action, science, and combating hunger and food insecurity.


05/12/2023: Federal Foreign Minister Baerbock travels to Slovenia

Berlin (dpa) - On a visit to Slovenia Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock learned about the impact of catastrophic flooding during the summer. She visited the Slovenian national logistics centre for civil and disaster protection along with her Slovenian colleague Tanja Fajon. Flooding hit two-thirds of the country in early August, causing massive damage. Before departing for Slovenia, Baerbock said “fighting the climate crisis” was “the greatest security risk for humanity”, and was as such the fulcrum for delivering the German-Slovenian action plan.


04.12.2023: German government presents IKI strategy up to 2030

Berlin ( – For its International Climate Initiative (IKI), the German government has presented a strategy paper for the period up to 2030. With this funding programme, which was launched in 2008, the German government is supporting developing and emerging countries in ambitiously shaping and implementing climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation. A vital part of Germany’s international climate funding, it has been coordinated by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) since 2022 and is being implemented in close cooperation with the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUV) and the Federal Foreign Office (AA).

The electrification of local public transport in Indonesia, the restoration of mangrove forests in Mexico or the introduction of energy-efficiency standards for climate-friendly refrigeration plants in Southern Africa are just three examples of the diverse range of IKI projects that are advancing climate action and biodiversity conservation worldwide. To date, more than 1,000 projects dedicated to climate and diversity across more than 150 countries globally have been supported with cumulative funding amounting to approximately six billion euros.


01/12/2023: Germany promotes feminist foreign policy

Berlin ( - Societies are more peaceful, prosperous and stable if everyone can participate equally in political, social and economic life. This is why Germany has committed to supporting efforts to achieve global gender equality by doing all it can through a feminist foreign policy. “Feminist foreign policy isn’t foreign policy for women; it’s for all members of society. It’s inclusive, not exclusive,” says Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock when describing the policy, which aims to boost equal participation around the world. One part of the efforts of German policymakers is the “Voices From Around the Globe” feminist foreign policy networking day which will take place in the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin in early December. It will bring together around 200 participants from about 40 countries from all areas of civil society to share their experiences and ideas.

The guiding principles behind Germany's feminist foreign and development policy were presented by Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Development Minister Svenja Schulze in an 80-page document in March 2023. At the time Baerbock it was not about “foreign policy for women, but for all members of society.”

Find out more about German feminist foreign policy.


30/11/2023: Baerbock stresses importance of OSCE

Skopje (dpa) - Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has called for efforts to maintain the operational capacity of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), despite Moscow’s attempts to block progress. Speaking before setting off for the annual meeting of OSCE ministers, Baerbock argued that if the OSCE is to go on protecting the security of 1.3 billion people in its 57 member states, efforts must be made to ensure that “it can remain at least halfway capable of doing its job, even in rough winds.” Baerbock will be joined at the two-day meeting of the 57 OSCE states in the North Macedonian capital Skopje by ministers from around 40 countries.

The Federal Foreign Minister criticised attempts by Russian President Vladimir Putin to separate the security anchor of the OSCE from its foundation. “Despite a fierce headwind, we have been able to preserve the OSCE’s place as a key piece in the puzzle of our security architecture in Europe.” Baerbock noted that taking a pragmatic approach had made it possible to save many projects which would have been cut due to a lack of a regular OSCE budget, “thanks to special contributes from Germany and friends like Japan,” she said. The Federal Foreign Minister added she was very pleased that with Germany's Helga Schmid as General Secretary, there was “such an experienced diplomat and strategist at the head of the OSCE.”


29/11/2023: Baerbock attends autumn meeting of NATO foreign ministers

Berlin ( The foreign ministers of NATO countries have met in Brussels for a two-day autumn conference. Germany is being represented by Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock. Speaking ahead of the meeting, she said, “In the last two years we have seen in an extreme way that peace and security must be defended each and every day, even in Europe. That’s why it’s vital that, as the NATO security alliance, we should work together now more than ever to strengthen our protective shield for peace, freedom and security across the whole of Europe.”

The meeting in Brussels will address a range of issues, from preparations for the summit in Washington to mark NATO’s 75th anniversary in 2024, to the situation in the western Balkans. It will also be the first time that the NATO Ukraine Council will meet at a level of foreign ministers, as NATO’s cooperation with Ukraine will be a key issue for the talks. Sweden is on the way to becoming a NATO member and come to Brussels as a guest. Turkey and Hungary have not yet ratified Sweden’s accession. On this point, Baerbock stressed that “It has been said with absolute clarity that Sweden will become a member of our common alliance. This is now long overdue and this step must be taken.”


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27.11.2023: Germany attends Dakar security conference

Berlin ( – Minister of State Katja Keul is representing Germany at the “Dakar International Forum on Peace and Security in Africa” in Senegal. The security conference has been hosted annually by the Senegalese government since 2014. It is attended by regional heads of state and government, international foreign and security policymakers and representatives of international organisations, NGOs and the private sector. Before departing, Keul said: “The coastal countries of West Africa face the major challenge of doing something to prevent terror and organised crime from the Sahel region spilling over into their territories. Germany is not leaving these countries and their people alone, but is supporting them in securing their borders and making their societies more resilient to terrorist threats.”

In the Republic of Senegal, the German government is funding projects that strengthen the protection of national borders, as well as an office in Dakar that coordinates needs and border protection projects in West Africa to support national authorities. Under the EU umbrella, Germany is also supporting the coastal states with the training of security personnel.


24.11.2023: Baerbock: Prevent deep rifts and conflagration in the Middle East

Berlin (dpa) – German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has stressed Israel’s right to defend itself. Israel will never be able to live in safety “if this terror is not combated,” she said at the party conference of the Greens, to which she belongs. Israel is fighting against Hamas, not against Palestinians, she explained. The violence perpetrated against Palestinians by Jewish settlers in the West Bank is not in Israel’s security interests, stressed Baerbock. She also warned against further-reaching consequences of the conflict: “I believe it is our duty to prevent precisely that – a regional conflagration and these international rifts.”


23/11/2023: Germany steps up humanitarian aid for Gaza

Berlin ( - The humanitarian situation in Gaza is catastrophic. In an effort to reduce the suffering, Germany is boosting humanitarian aid to people in the Palestinian territories by 50 million euros. After the brutal terror attacks by Hamas against the state of Israel and its people on 7 October, the civilian population is of Gaza is also suffering the consequences of Hamas terrorism. Even supplies of essential goods and items have collapsed. In response to the announcement of a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock demanded that, “The humanitarian ceasefire must be used to get essential aid to people in Gaza.”


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22/11/2023: Germany commemorates the “Heroes of the Maidan” in Ukraine

Berlin ( – Defence Minister Boris Pistorius visited Maidan Square in Kyiv to commemorate the “Heroes of the Maidan”. In his speech he pledged solidarity and deep unity with Ukraine, which has been invaded by Russia. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz described the Maidan as a symbol of freedom, democracy and sovereignty. “The bravery of the Ukrainian people has not been forgotten,” he said. “Ukraine belongs to Europe and we are standing at its side.” Ten years ago pro-European protests began taking place on the square in Kyiv which celebrates Ukrainian independence. The protests marked the beginning of the movement among the Ukrainian people for a free, democratic Ukraine.

At the meeting Pistorius announced that Germany was making available another €1.3 billion to help Ukraine fight the Russian invaders. According to data from the United Nations, over 10,000 Ukrainian civilians have been killed in the 21 months since war began, including over 560 children. However, as it has not yet been possible to identify many of the bodies, the UN said that actual death toll could be “significantly higher”.


21/11/2023: Environment Ministry kicks off Forestguard Project

Berlin ( – As part of efforts to promote deforestation-free supply chains, the German Ministry for the Environment (BMUV) has initiated the Forestguard pilot project as part of its EXI environmental protection export initiative. Through the project the Fraunhofer Institute is working with commercial partners to develop an open-source solution for tracing the coffee supply chain, which can serve as an example for other industries. The solution combines blockchain technology with other technologies such as artificial intelligence, the internet of things and geographic information systems.

Federal Minister of the Environment Steffi Lemke said, “Our demand for agricultural raw materials in Germany and the EU means we make a significant contribution to deforestation around the world. (...) In the Forestguard pilot project, we are combining environmental protection with opportunities to be gained through digitalisation and a solution concept which is not aligned with any particular commercial interests. Instead, it will be made available to businesses as an open source application.” In an effort to combat climate change and the decline in species diversity, the EU passed regulations on deforestation-free agricultural supply chains in June 2023. The regulations aim to ensure that consumption of beef, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, rubber, soya and wood does not contribute to deforestation around the world.


17/11/2023: Scholz stresses need for aid to Ukraine

Teltow (dpa) – Germany’s Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz believes the many donations of money and aid to Ukraine are critical to reconstructing the country. “Next year Germany will hold the reconstruction conference which is organised internationally,” Scholz said, speaking in the town of Teltow in Brandenburg. Speaking about a delivery of aid from the town to its twinned town of Khotyn in Ukraine, he said that the reconstruction conference could only work “if there are many partnerships like the one we see here.”

The Federal Chancellor said he was impressed that the collaboration between Germany and Ukraine was “a great success” on many levels. He added that the partnership between Teltow and Khotyn was not just about material aid, but that it was also “a matter of the heart.” An international reconstruction is planned to take place in Berlin in June 2024. In addition to private investment, the Federal Government has pledged more financial support for reconstruction.


16/11/2023: Baerbock travels to Dubai for COP28 climate conference

Berlin ( - In late November, the international community will come together in Dubai for the COP28, the 28th world climate conference, to agree on concrete steps to combat the climate crisis. Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock will lead the German negotiating team in the final phase of the two-week conference, which runs from 30 November to 12 December.

With storms, flooding and droughts, extreme weather events are increasing around the world, making it clear that the climate crisis is destroying people’s homes and livelihoods, putting lives at risk, and exacerbating conflicts. Containing the climate crisis is therefore a top priority for the Federal Government. Its goal for COP28 is to achieve ambitious agreements to advance international climate protection. Numerous bilateral talks will talk place alongside the multilateral negotiations with the aim of accelerating the energy transition around the world and phasing out fossil fuels more rapidly. The Federal Government will therefore work with the European Union to promote a massive expansion of renewable energy around the world.


15/11/2023: German municipalities lend a hand with reconstruction in Ukraine

Leipzig/Berlin ( – Ukrainian municipalities will shoulder the burden of rebuilding their country, with support from German villages, towns and cities. This is the message from a three-day German-Ukrainian Municipal Partnerships Conference in Leipzig, which ends today. In a speech to participants, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said, “For 630 days people in Ukraine have been suffering due to the Russian war of aggression. Waking up 630 times uncertain if they will become homeless, lose relatives or be forced to become refugees. This war is omnipresent.” Some 600 representatives of German and Ukrainian municipalities attended the conference, along with Development Minister Svenja Schulze, and the mayors of the twinned cities of Leipzig and Kyiv Burkhard Jung and Vitali Klitschko. There are 184 partnerships between German and Ukrainian municipalities, well over twice the number before the Russian invasion in February 2022.


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14.11.2023: Baerbock announces massive expansion of aid to Ukraine

Brussels (dpa) – Germany’s Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has confirmed plans for a significant expansion of support for Ukraine. “While crisis diplomacy may be strongly focused on the Middle East right now, it remains important to face up to the geopolitical challenges on the ground here,” Baerbock said at a meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels. “We will massively expand our support for next year in particular,” she added,

but she did not name any details about plans for the coming year. According to a press release, military aid will rise from €4 billion to €8 billion in 2024. Regarding speculation about a decline in EU support for Ukraine in the face of the conflict in the Middle East, Baerbock said that President Vladimir Putin’s speech showed that he was getting ahead of himself, given the conflicted and tense global situation. “After all, we’re not just going to continue our support for Ukraine: we're going to expand and increase it,” she said.


13.11.2023: Negotiations in Nairobi on plastic pollution agreement

Nairobi (dpa/ - The United Nations wants to negotiate a binding global treaty to curb the harm to the environment and human health due to plastic waste. This Monday state representatives are meeting for the fifth round of talks to negotiate a draft treaty in the Kenyan capital Nairobi. The negotiators are discussing the rules which are to apply to plastic manufacturing and recycling. The UN’s goal is for the treaty to be signed in 2025. The UN Environmental Programme believes that a treaty could reduce plastic pollution by 80% by 2040.

Taking a comprehensive approach to fighting plastic waste is a key priority for the German government, which has been working closely on the issue with many countries in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe for many years. Federal Minister of the Environment Steffi Lemke recently said, “Our oceans are drowning in plastic wastes, and microplastics are putting our health at risk.”


10.11.2023: Scholz emphasises two percent defence spending target

Berlin (dpa) – During talks with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz stated that Germany would meet the NATO target of spending two percent of its gross domestic product on defence from next year. At their meeting in the Chancellery in Berlin, the two leaders underlined their joint commitment in difficult times, emphasising the importance of deterrence and the protection of critical infrastructure. Later at the Federal Armed Forces conference in Berlin, the Chancellor said that defence spending amounting to two percent of gross domestic product would now be guaranteed “on a permanent basis”. The global political situation showed just how important this change of course was, said Scholz. He warned: “Our peace is in danger.”


09.11.2023: Environment Minister Lemke calls for enhanced protection of polar regions

Paris ( – At an international polar summit in Paris, Germany’s Environment Minister Steffi Lemke has called for greater protection of the polar regions. “Our glaciers and poles are unique and hugely important ecosystems. They are coming under increasing pressure: the climate crisis is causing polar ice caps and glaciers to melt, biodiversity is dwindling, and pollution such as plastic waste is causing additional problems for ecosystems,” said Lemke, adding that poles and glaciers were “fundamental to the global climate system and the preservation of biodiversity”. For this reason, she said, she was campaigning at all political levels for effective environmental protection in the polar regions and for the creation of a network of protected areas.

The Minister is representing Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the Polar Summit in Paris, which is part of a One Planet Summit series launched by French President Emmanuel Macron at the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn in 2017. The focus at this summit is on international cooperation for the ecological protection of polar regions and glaciers.


08.11.2023: Funds released for Palestine refugee relief organisation

Amman (dpa) – In view of the growing plight of the people in the Gaza Strip, Germany is resuming its development cooperation with the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). This was announced by Development Minister Svenja Schulze following talks with UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini in the Jordanian capital Amman. “Israel’s fight is against Hamas – but the Palestinians are not Hamas,” said Schulze.

Following the attack by the Islamist Palestinian organisation on Israel a month ago, funds for development projects were temporarily blocked. Despite the strict criteria already in place, an in-depth review of all projects was announced. Specifically, the aim was to ensure that no support was being provided for the spread of anti-Semitic ideas or for Hamas supporters.

In view of the growing plight of the people in the Gaza Strip and the increasingly unstable situation in some neighbouring countries, ongoing support for UNRWA was given priority. According to the Ministry, one initial result is that previously planned commitments totalling 71 million euros for UNRWA will now be released and, in view of the increased need, an additional 20 million euros will be made available. The Federal Foreign Office, which is responsible for short-term humanitarian aid, announced on 20 October that Germany would increase its humanitarian aid for the people in the Palestinian territories by 50 million euros.


07.11.2023: Germany supports Jordan

Berlin ( – During her visit to Jordan, Development Minister Svenja Schulze has promised the government of the country support in caring for refugees and alleviating the water crisis. Developing countries such as Jordan shouldered the largest share of the world’s refugee intake, said Schulze, adding: “Jordan's humanitarian and political commitment is crucial to peace in the Middle East. The country’s role as a mediator is invaluable – and has been for a long time.” Germany would support Jordan with additional funds totalling 41 million euros, said the Minister. She also said that the Federal Government would help improve the water supply in Jordan with loans totalling 125 million euros.

Almost half of Jordan’s population has a refugee background. Those who have fled to the country include some 2.3 million people from the Palestinian territories, 1.3 million from Syria and 75,000 people from Iraq, Yemen, Sudan and Somalia.


06.11.2023: Close cooperation with countries in the Indo-Pacific region

Berlin ( – During a visit to Indonesia, Tobias Lindner, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, emphasised the importance of the Indo-Pacific region for Germany. “The Indo-Pacific is a key region that is becoming increasingly important, both geopolitically and economically,” said Lindner (photo). “In an increasingly multipolar world, it is essential for Germany to deepen cooperation with countries that share our commitment to international law and that, like us, seek to reduce one-sided dependencies.”

In Jakarta, Lindner is attending the annual meeting of the ASEAN-Germany Development Partnership Committee, which focuses on strengthening cooperation between ASEAN and Germany. Together, the ASEAN states are already Germany’s third largest trading partner outside Europe. The Minister of State said he would be talking to representatives from across the region about “how we can work even more closely together to tackle the climate crisis, bring about a global energy transition, make sustainable infrastructure investments and maintain peace and security in the region.”


03.11.2023: Germany and India intend to advance global energy transition

New Delhi ( – Germany and India are deepening their partnership in the interests of a global energy transition. Over the coming years, cooperation is to be stepped up on the expansion of renewable energies, sustainable urban development, public mobility, sustainable agriculture and the preservation of natural livelihoods, with German investments to total over a billion euros. The state secretary in Germany’s Development Ministry, Jochen Flasbarth, agreed with the Indian government on concrete cooperative projects under the umbrella of the “Green and Sustainable Development Partnership” that was established in 2022. During the talks, both countries reiterated the target of tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030.

“India has a key role to play if we want to make progress with global climate protection and sustainable development worldwide,” explained Flasbarth. “India’s economy and cities are growing, and the demand for energy, mobility, drinking water, sanitary facilities and food is increasing. It is of global importance that India should be able to meet this demand sustainably and use renewable energies and climate-friendly ways of meeting basic needs such as water, mobility and food.” This is why cooperation with India in the “Green and Sustainable Development Partnership” is so important, he said.


02.11.2023: European conference at Federal Foreign Office in Berlin

Foreign ministers of the EU member states and ten accession candidates are coming to Berlin to attend a European conference at which the enlargement of the European Union and reforms of the EU will be discussed. Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock invited her counterparts to the meeting at the Federal Foreign Office, the motto being “A larger, stronger Union – making the European Union fit for enlargement and future members fit for accession”.

The Federal Foreign Office pointed to the major geopolitical challenges facing the EU, explaining that the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine had given rise to a new geopolitical situation that Europe had responded to with almost unprecedented unity. Consequently, Ukraine, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova had been given the prospect of joining the EU and had been included in the group of six Western Balkan countries and Turkey. At the same time, the “brutal terrorist attacks on Israel by Hamas since 7 October have made it clear once again that the EU must present a united front as an international actor and must remain capable of action”.

01.11.2023: Germany and Tanzania intend to address colonial history

Dar es Salaam (dpa) – Germany and Tanzania intend to further build upon their relations and in this context also to address their shared colonial history. “It is important to me that we come to terms with this dark chapter, that we come to terms with it together,” German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said during a visit to Tanzania. He also said that Germany was willing to repatriate cultural property and human remains. After meeting with the German president, Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan said: “We are ready to start official negotiations to see how we can deal with the colonial legacy in our country.”

Until the end of the First World War, Tanzania was part of the German East Africa colony. Colonial rule was characterised by oppression, exploitation and atrocities. During the so-called Maji Maji Rebellion, as many as 300,000 people were killed between 1905 and 1907, according to Tanzanian estimates. In Tanzania, Steinmeier also met with families whose ancestors had died in the war.

The Tanzanian president stressed that both countries had worked well together for 60 years and that the German government was a “reliable friend and partner”. According to Steinmeier, it is now a question of strengthening and “future-proofing” these good relations.


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31.10.2023: Germany and Morocco agree on security cooperation

Rabat (dpa) – Germany’s Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has been campaigning in Morocco for more cooperation on security affairs and on migration and deportations. Together with her Moroccan counterpart, Abdelouafi Laftit, she has signed a declaration of intent to this effect in the capital Rabat. Faeser is being accompanied on her two-day trip to Morocco by Joachim Stamp, the special commissioner for migration agreements. In the German government’s view, such agreements are intended to facilitate the granting of work visas and other forms of regular migration. In return, the countries of origin are supposed to help with deportation.


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31.10.2023: Scholz wants to expand migration centres in Nigeria

Lagos (dpa) – In Nigeria, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has voiced support for the expansion of the migration centres that were set up to support returnees from Germany and other countries. In future, the centres are also to provide advice for skilled professionals wishing to emigrate to Germany. “This requires considerable preparation and investment – on both sides,” the chancellor said. He also talked with Nigerian President Bola Tinubu.

At present there are three migration centres in Nigeria that have supported 20,000 returnees over the past four years, helping them to find jobs and training places. 4,000 of them had returned from Germany


30.10.2023: Federal President visits Tanzania and Zambia on Africa trip

Berlin (dpa) – Germany’s Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has set off on a four-day trip to southern Africa. He will first visit Tanzania and then Zambia, with the aim of expanding existing partnerships and establishing new ones. Possibilities for closer economic cooperation are also to be explored. Steinmeier will be accompanied by a business delegation. In Tanzania, Steinmeier will also talk to descendants of victims of the Maji Maji War. With up to 300,000 dead, it was one of the bloodiest colonial wars ever. It was fought from 1905 to 1907, triggered by a rebellion of the population against the oppression of German colonial rule.


27.10.2023: Scholz to visit Nigeria and Ghana

Berlin ( – German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will be travelling to the African countries of Nigeria and Ghana. During his visit from Sunday to Tuesday, he will hold talks with the Nigerian President Bola Tinubu and the Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo, among others. According to the German government, discussions will focus on bilateral relations, as well as regional security, economic development and cooperation in the areas of business and global affairs. Federal Chancellor Scholz will be accompanied during his visit by a business and cultural delegation. It is Scholz’s third major trip to Africa as chancellor – most recently, he had visited Ethiopia and Kenya in May 2023.


26.10.2023: German Minister for Economic Affairs Habeck in Turkey

Ankara (dpa) -German Economics Minister Robert Habeck has travelled to Turkey for talks. The economic relations between Germany and Turkey and cooperation on climate protection and energy will be the central focus of his two-day visit. Habeck, who is also Germany’s vice chancellor, is accompanied by a business delegation. Ahead of the trip, Habeck stressed the strong economic relations with Turkey and pointed to the family ties that many people in Germany have. He also highlighted Turkey’s role as an “important geostrategic actor”. “My trip is taking place in difficult geopolitical times with the threat of a conflagration in the Middle East as a result of the Hamas terror,” the minister explained. “That is precisely why it is important to remain in dialogue, to use all channels of communication with influential powers in the region, and also to address difficult topics.”


25.10.2023: Baerbock stresses Israel’s right to defend itself

New York (dpa) – In a speech to the United Nations Security Council, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has highlighted Israel’s right to defend itself, while simultaneously calling for compliance with international humanitarian law. She stressed that Israel, like any other state in the world, has the right to defend itself against terrorism within the framework of international law. At a high-level meeting of the UN Security Council in New York, she underlined at the same time: “The fight is against Hamas and not against civilians. That’s why it is crucial for us that this fight is carried out in line with humanitarian law, with the greatest possible consideration for civilians in Gaza.” All civilian lives matter in equal measure, she explained, adding that help must be provided in “humanitarian windows” during breaks in the fighting to those in the Gaza Strip who are not involved.


24.10.2023: Baerbock attends Middle East debate in UN Security Council

Berlin (dpa/ – Ahead of a Middle East debate in the UN Security Council in New York, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has stressed the goal of avoiding a conflagration in the region and ensuring rapid humanitarian assistance for the people in Gaza. “The world is striving to prevent a conflagration in the Middle East,” Baerbock stated. In addition, people are committed to looking beyond the present moment and finding a way to think of “a Gaza after Hamas”. “We in Europe believe that peaceful co-existence between Israelis and Palestinians can only be achieved through a negotiated two-state solution,” she said. Referring to the situation in the Gaza Strip, Baerbock emphasised the urgent need to ensure that the United Nations is able to provide people with humanitarian assistance.


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23.10.2023: Another 200 million euros for reconstruction in Ukraine

Kyiv (dpa) – Germany is providing another 200 million euros for reconstruction in Ukraine. German State Secretary for Development Jochen Flasbarth pledged the aid during a visit to the capital Kyiv and to the port city of Mykolaiv in the south of the country. The money is to be spent on education, healthcare, the supply of drinking water and urban reconstruction. The funds are to be channelled into various programmes before the end of this year. By its own account, Germany’s Development Ministry has thus made around one billion euros available to support the civilian population in Ukraine since the Russian war of aggression began in February 2022.


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20.10.2023: German Defence Minister Pistorius visits Israel

Tel Aviv (dpa) – German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius has promised his Israeli counterpart Joav Galant Germany’s support in the fight against the Islamist Hamas group. The most urgent task is to achieve the release of the kidnapped hostages, Pistorius said in Tel Aviv during a meeting with Galant. The minister added that Germany was also willing to support the Israeli armed forces with material, saying that the German government and Germany were standing by Israel. “This has nothing to do with a war that Hamas has started here. This is a terrorist attack,” said Pistorius. “This inhuman brutality has shaken us to the core in Germany.”


19.10.2023: Baerbock to attend crisis talks in Jordan, Israel and Lebanon

Berlin (dpa)- Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has set off for Jordan, Israel and Lebanon to attend a new round of crisis talks in view of the Gaza war. Before departing for Jordan, she assured Israel of the German government’s “unwavering solidarity”. “The fight is against Hamas, not against the Palestinian civilian population,” the minister explained, adding that the latter is also suffering tremendously. To coordinate the support for the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, which has been sealed off by Israel, Baerbock has appointed a special envoy for humanitarian assistance in the Middle East. She said that Germany was standing ready to provide comprehensive aid.


18.10.2023: Continued support for Ukraine and Moldova

Chisinau (dpa) – Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has promised Ukraine and its small neighbouring Republic of Moldova continuing support against Russia in the face of the Middle East crisis in Israel. “In these days when the situation in the Middle East is keeping us so on edge, it is important for me to underline: We continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine and with Moldova,” the minister said at the fourth Moldova Support Conference. She explained that Germany would support Moldova in energy issues, economic stabilisation and reform steps towards EU accession, providing 95 million euros to this end next year. Moldova, like Ukraine, had received EU candidate country status in June 2022.


17.10.2023: Scholz calls for closer cooperation between Western Balkan countries

Tirana (dpa) – German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has called on the countries of the Western Balkan to cooperate more closely. “There is no alternative to regional cohesion and the lasting resolution of conflicts that have already been simmering far too long,” Scholz said on Monday at the end of a summit meeting in the Albanian capital Tirana at which the accession of six Western Balkan countries to the European Union was discussed. The summit, which was also attended by EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, was held within the framework of the so-called Berlin Process that the German government initiated in 2014.

Scholz also announced a regional climate partnership between Germany and the Western Balkans, saying that Germany would provide 1.5 billion euros by 2030 to support the fight against climate change and the use of renewable energies in the region. In addition, the German government will be making 73 million euros available for a new renewable energy programme in Albania.

Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama, as the host’s summit, described the proposals of the EU Commission as “something entirely new”. “They show that the EU is opening itself up to non-members from the Western Balkans by agreeing to steps that lead to something that is otherwise limited only to members.”
