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Cultural and foreign policy

Two young researchers have received the ifa Research Award on Foreign Cultural Policy for their work at the interface of cultural and foreign policy.


During the Cold War cultural diplomacy 
between Moscow and Bonn was a difficult business. Today, 
foreign cultural and educational policy is considered a form of conflict prevention and the third pillar of foreign policy. For their work at the interface of cultural and foreign policy, two young researchers have received the ifa Research 
Award on Foreign Cultural Policy, which is conferred by the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa) and endowed with 3,000 euros. Elena Korowin, who studied at the Karls­ruhe University of Arts and Design, did research on “Soviet Exhibitions as a Means of Diplomacy in the Federal Republic of Germany”. Jens Adam focused on foreign cultural policy 
in regions of conflict for his doctoral thesis at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.