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Eating habits in Germany

What are the nutrition trends in Germany? How many people are vegan? The 2022 Nutrition Report has the answers. 

Kim BergKim Berg , 29.03.2023
As the 2022 Nutrition Report shows: people mainly eat the food they like.
As the 2022 Nutrition Report shows: people mainly eat the food they like. © Jacob Ammentorp Lund/AdobeStock

What do Germans eat on a day-to-day basis? No, not just sausage – mainly fruit and vegetables in fact! Whether vegan, vegetarian or meat-eater: 72 percent of Germans eat fruit and vegetables on a daily basis. Women lead healthier lives than men. 81 percent of female respondents eat fruit and vegetables every day. This only applies to 63 percent of male respondents. Here you can find out what else people eat: 

this is what people eat on a day-to-day basis

People naturally tend to eat things they like – this is true in the case of 99 percent of the German population, too. The subject of calories is particularly interesting. Around a third of all those surveyed are careful to eat low-calorie food; the rate is 49 percent among the over-60s, i.e. almost half. 

This is what is important to Germans in terms of their eating habits.

Vegetarian or vegan alternatives to meat are becoming increasingly popular in Germany. 44 percent of those surveyed follow a flexitarian diet, i.e. they sometimes eat meat but often deliberately avoid it. Seven percent are vegetarian and one percent vegan. This is why numerous stores offer alternative products. These are the reasons why people purchase vegetarian or vegan products: 

Why do people buy vegetarian or vegan products?

Purchasing regionally produced food is crucial in times of climate crisis, because buying regional products means there is no need for transportation over long distances. Here you can find out which products Germans believe it is particularly important to buy from regional sources: 

Buying regionally produced goods is important when shopping.

Whether animal welfare, regional or organic: seals have an important role to play in Germany. Germans pay particular attention to these seals when shopping: 

This is what Germans look out for when shopping


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