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Planting trees for the climate

Intact forests can play an important role in the fight against climate change. These three initiatives from Germany are all about reforestation.

Ecosia tree-planting project in Indonesia
Ecosia tree-planting project in Indonesia © Ecosia

Ecosia: Protecting forests at the click of a mouse

Planting trees while surfing the web? It may sound utopian, yet utopias are not unfamiliar to Christian Kroll. Following a trip around the world during which he experienced the massive destruction of forests, he founded the Ecosia search engine in 2009. With the revenues generated by clicks on adverts, the company supports reforestation projects around the world. More than 125 million trees have already been planted as a result. With his social start-up, Kroll feels a strong commitment to sustainability: “Many companies have not adapted to the 21st century; they do not trade sustainably or fairly enough. One must have the courage to develop alternatives.“

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Primaklima: Giving away trees to protect the climate

A world in which everyone takes responsibility for the climate – that’s the vision of Primaklima. For more than 30 years, the non-profit has been supporting the reduction of CO2 through reforestation. Around 14 million donated seedlings have already been planted. “We take action because forests play a fundamental part in ensuring our wellbeing”, says its chairwoman Henriette Lachenit. “If we give them up, we humans will be exposed to ever greater risks.”

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Green Forest Fund: Restoring ancient forests at last

The Green Forest Fund focuses specifically on Germany. The non-profit uses donations to buy plots of land and let forests grow on them – forests that serve no economic purpose and are not subject to any human intervention. The idea is that the longer a tree lives, the more carbon it can absorb. “Climate change is the great challenge facing humans this century”, believes its founder Thorsten Walter. “Everyone can play their part in responding to it. The solution is on our doorstep.”


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