Research facility tests conversion of CO2 into chemical products
Chancellor Scholz praises the innovative strength of the chemical industry.
Solingen (dpa) – At its chemical park in Marl in North Rhine-Westphalia, the German chemical company Evonik is doing research into the use of carbon dioxide as a raw material for the chemical industry. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited the site of the Rheticus research facility, which is testing how to carry out large-scale, effective processing of CO2 that would otherwise be harmful to the climate. The facility uses green electricity, water and bacteria to convert CO2 into specialty chemicals. These are then used in the production of items such as lubricants and cosmetics. The facility demonstrates how innovation and industrial value creation can be successfully interlinked. The advantage here is that CO2 is not just stored but actually creates added value for industry. With a workforce of some 36,000 worldwide, Evonik Industries AG is one of the world’s leading companies for specialty chemicals.