Naturalisation to become easier
German industry is experiencing labour shortages. Here you can discover how the new Federal Government plans to address this problem.

The SPD, the Greens and the FDP are forming a new government in Germany. The Federal Chancellor – in other words, head of government – is Olaf Scholz. The coalition government is planning a number of changes not only in immigration law, but also in asylum procedures:
The coalition agreement believes that Germany needs more workers. Accordingly, a second route to working in Germany is to be created alongside the existing immigration options. An “opportunities card” with points system is to make it easier for job seekers to enter Germany using a similar approach to that in Canada or Australia. However, it is not yet clear how the system will be structured. The coalition agreement also states: “We will expand the scope of the Blue Card in national law to cover non-graduate occupations.” Here, too, the precondition will be a job offer from a German business. Furthermore, it will become easier for foreign educational and vocational qualifications to gain recognition. All the information on this topic has been made available in many different languages at Make it in Germany.
According to figures published by industry, labour shortages will increase substantially in German companies. Many firms are currently unable to fill vacancies with skilled staff. Industry associations expect a further intensification of the situation in the future.
Simpler naturalisation
In future, naturalisation will become possible after only five years of residence – and in the case of special efforts towards integration even after just three years. Children born in Germany will become German citizens from birth if their parents have lived in Germany longer than five years. “Bans on employment” for people already living in Germany are to be abolished.
Right of asylum
The new Federal Government wants to make it easier for dependants to follow family members: family reunification is to be extended to all refugees. Rejected asylum seekers with the right to remain who learn German, secure their own livelihood through employment and do not commit any crimes are to receive protection from deportation and gain new opportunities to acquire German citizenship.
The burden on the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees is to be reduced so that asylum procedures can be speeded up. It is also planned to digitalise and accelerate the issuing of visas.
(With dpa / DW)
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